Surfriding What's your definition of surf riding?


lol wut?
South Jersey
I know there are those who dig carving a wave and those who are all about the huge flips and rolls. Don't want this to be a topic about which is right or wrong because I believe there is no wrong way but what's YOUR style?

Post up and tell us about your perfect surf session.

Clean surf where the waves are lipping good, not too quick but also not drawn out. Predictable and constant without shallow waters.

I enjoy both surf riding and doing flips and rolls. I just recently got on the flipping bandwagon so I've been spending a lot of time out a little further trying to master the flip. Well, the flip is actually easy, but the mental portion and not second guess myself when approaching a flipable wave.


Sweet Baby Ray's Sucks
Daytona Beach
1. Must have an oem boat
2. pole must not be shortened more than 2 inches
3. no air is allowed under the boat at anytime
4. No footholds allowed
5. must ride surf stance or one foot forward
6. not allowed to go any slower than half throttle

Just go out there and have fun. Dont get in anyones way. Dont be a d1ck.

It doesnt matter what you do, know one cares, no one is going to judge. and if they do, theyre not surf riders, and not friends of mine.
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Yup Mix it up, but heavy on surf riding. Ideal for me would be 30% ariel stuff and 70% surf riding, but the wave shape/conditions ultimately dictate what you're going to do. If its walled out then a flip or roll is in order while anything with a shoulder gets ridden.
I think when you first learn to flip thats all you wanna do, once you get past that, its fun to slash around and wait for the rite waves. I love the shallow sh$t but this is MI surf for me.

Anything that involves tricks and surf riding but for the most part actually riding out of tricks , if you dont land it then it aint a trick , also massive 180 's re entries and slashes.... riding in front of the wave and just doing turns would not get scored , cutting back and hitting the wave scores big ... did i mention 180 's LOL
Everyone seems to have their own take on surf riding........maybe that's what surf riding is all about??

Personally, i like a slow, strategic approach to surf riding......every second should count, every wave should count, motion should be fluid and not forced, whether your doing air tricks or carving a face.....not sticking a landing doesn't count in my only looks cool in pics!


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
I say if you go out there and give it hell and come back to the beach winded you are doing something right. Whether you leave the water or not. They are both tough (aerials and surfing/slashing/re-entries)

Nothing beats pulling up on the beach out of gas and unable to breathe. Then you did something right.


Ride for life
North NJ
To me it ripping turns WFO in the flats on the way to the inlet, than charging and dodging boats and chop and hooking a left once outside. Hoping for clean surf with no couches. I like just riding fast and getting close carves in the pocket. I'm not a air guy buts its awesome feeling to see guys in your crew busting rolls and flips next to you.


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
do what makes you smile and look around to see if your buddies saw that! Share the stoke! any kinda of riding is fun when your friends are there with you and you get to feed on the progression with everyone and everyone just keeps improving and learning and going bigger and cleaner. whether its waves or air! Share the stoke, that is my fav kind of surf riding


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Everyone has pretty much summed it up but I also find it important to read waves and be able to ride the face of a wave, re-entry type airials, and hucking off the backside of a wave. Having fun and progressing as a rider is the important thing. Surf riding never gets boring because there's so much to learn out there. Conditions can change by the minute and different conditions requires you to adapt and will likely change your riding style and goals while riding. Surf riding is great because it's true freeriding, there are no rules! If you look like you are having fun out there then you are doing it right
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