When you see it and you already know

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
A fairly clean 650SX came in last week for repair, he said it was smoking by the electrical box, this particular customer I had just rebuilt two starter solenoids for a few months back.

The first ski he pinched the wires inside the electrical box, I diagnosed that one over the phone and I was 100% correct, on this ski I started pulling the engine because it's just easier that way, when I did I found the pieces in the second pic laying in the hull, I then knew he had Fffed up.

Inside the electrical box I found what's in the third pic , yes those are steel washers, they are on the starter post so as soon as you hit the start button the ground wire was toast.

This guy would have been a lot better off just bringing me the skis and dropping them off, I wonder how much money he saved lol.


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He could've saved lots of time and money had he done a little do diligence research first. Kawi eboxes are pretty simple. Looks like he was missing a few pieces for the solenoid posts. Partzilla still sells those rubber grommets, and plastic washers direct from kawi.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Wait, you pull the engine to work on the ebox?
Hell no but I do to replace the stator as it fried the black ground wire all the way to the stator taking the rest of the wires with it, the customer brought me a spa re engine and I
pulled the stator out of it , actually the engine never leaves the ski , I turn it so the flywheel housing is facing up and did it right there in the ski, it's a good thing I did too because two out of the four engine mounts are toast.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
He could've saved lots of time and money had he done a little do diligence research first. Kawi eboxes are pretty simple. Looks like he was missing a few pieces for the solenoid posts. Partzilla still sells those rubber grommets, and plastic washers direct from kawi.
Yeah a quick look at a parts microfiche saves a lot of headaches down the road , I have tons of those small parts from ski part outs so no need to order anything here, but hey guys like this keep me plenty busy.
A fairly clean 650SX came in last week for repair, he said it was smoking by the electrical box, this particular customer I had just rebuilt two starter solenoids for a few months back.

The first ski he pinched the wires inside the electrical box, I diagnosed that one over the phone and I was 100% correct, on this ski I started pulling the engine because it's just easier that way, when I did I found the pieces in the second pic laying in the hull, I then knew he had Fffed up.

Inside the electrical box I found what's in the third pic , yes those are steel washers, they are on the starter post so as soon as you hit the start button the ground wire was toast.

This guy would have been a lot better off just bringing me the skis and dropping them off, I wonder how much money he saved lol.
It's great that you're gained the experience to make a difference with the vintage ski's. I'm working on a 87js650sx that has lost its spark. All the ohms readings are inspec. I have looped the start wires in electric box. Unhooked kill switch wires at the cdi. The only out of spec ohms readings are yellows individually to black . .black / yellow .. engine case all show 5.9 ohms. This readings are Unhooked and hooked as tested to the regulator. Please let me know if you think my stator is grounding out.all parts are OEM so far. Thanks

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It's great that you're gained the experience to make a difference with the vintage ski's. I'm working on a 87js650sx that has lost its spark. All the ohms readings are inspec. I have looped the start wires in electric box. Unhooked kill switch wires at the cdi. The only out of spec ohms readings are yellows individually to black . .black / yellow .. engine case all show 5.9 ohms. This readings are Unhooked and hooked as tested to the regulator. Please let me know if you think my stator is grounding out.all parts are OEM so far. Thanks

Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
Output test the stator at cranking. Should see 30+ volts ac. Around there. If you do. Stator is good. I'd bet money it's the crap cdi/coil combo. I've replaced 5 or 6 on 650sx skis. Never replaced a stator.
Output test the stator at cranking. Should see 30+ volts ac. Around there. If you do. Stator is good. I'd bet money it's the crap cdi/coil combo. I've replaced 5 or 6 on 650sx skis. Never replaced a stator.
Thanks tested output of 2 yellows hooked with electric box it was 34vac just cranking. No spark so not running. Coil is the oem Mitsubishi tested fine. Any tests You can think of for grounds?or other steps to follow the 12 dc power? The 2 videos I could find show a test with stator wires unhooked from ebox. Saying if either yellows show continuity with ground there's a short to ground. But specific to the kawasaki cdi electric system I see it's not the case. A couple instances where people believed the starter was to blame. I think it's something simple I'm missing. In my experience it usually is. I appreciate your help. Not too many people working on the vintage stuff anymore. I pulled front engine cover but not rotor. It's clean & intact to look at what zip could see there. Originally lost spark after a runaway lean condition. Then found it after looping start wires together in electric box. Tested and cleaned both kill and start hooked everything back together and had spark for maybe 3 cranks the gone. Looped start wires again and unhooked the 2 kill switch wires from the coil. No go.your thoughts please. 0

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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yellow wires are charging system, totally separate coil that has nothing to do with the ignition, it charges the battery, thats it.

Check the other two wires while cranking, should be a black and a black red , test them unhooked from the electrical box , if it has 35VAC on those two wires and the stop switch is unhooked it's the CDI -coil but you are not done just yet.

These have a bad habit of breaking the spark plug wires, I saw one on a TS that had about 20 breaks down the length of the wire, it won't help you get it running but you can start cutting the wires back 1/4" at a time and retest to see if you get spark, if it is this most likely the wires will end up being too short to use and you will have to send the coil off to Jetskisolutions to have new wires installed, he also tests the CDIk-coil before he does the wire replacement.

I have replaced both stators and CDI-coils before but of course I have probably worked on more 650 -750 Kawi engines than most people on here, they are also the engines I run in several of my personal skis..
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Thanks tested output of 2 yellows hooked with electric box it was 34vac just cranking. No spark so not running. Coil is the oem Mitsubishi tested fine. Any tests You can think of for grounds?or other steps to follow the 12 dc power? The 2 videos I could find show a test with stator wires unhooked from ebox. Saying if either yellows show continuity with ground there's a short to ground. But specific to the kawasaki cdi electric system I see it's not the case. A couple instances where people believed the starter was to blame. I think it's something simple I'm missing. In my experience it usually is. I appreciate your help. Not too many people working on the vintage stuff anymore. I pulled front engine cover but not rotor. It's clean & intact to look at what zip could see there. Originally lost spark after a runaway lean condition. Then found it after looping start wires together in electric box. Tested and cleaned both kill and start hooked everything back together and had spark for maybe 3 cranks the gone. Looped start wires again and unhooked the 2 kill switch wires from the coil. No go.your thoughts please. 0

Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
Ya. It's prob the coil. Every single one I replaced passed the static tests for resistance. Try a known good coil. One you have seen run another ski.

If the stator is putting out 30 volts. And the signal is making it to the ebox. And you have the stop switch unhooked. It can only be the cdi or down stream.
Ya. It's prob the coil. Every single one I replaced passed the static tests for resistance. Try a known good coil. One you have seen run another ski.

If the stator is putting out 30 volts. And the signal is making it to the ebox. And you have the stop switch unhooked. It can only be the cdi or down stream.
Finding one is not easy. I have 3 amazon coils all failures. I tested the pulse wire red/black and black getting 50v ac then 36v ac .is this correct? Where does ac become DC? The red/ black is from the stator to the cdi box. Question. How to test pulse wire red/ black for correct readng Ac or dc. Is it worth pulling the 2 S.P.wires to read ohms at secondary coil. And then replace the 2 wires?

Sent from my SM-A426U using Tapatalk
Yellow wires are charging system, totally separate coil that has nothing to do with the ignition, it charges the battery, thats it.

Check the other two wires while cranking, should be a black and a black red , test them unhooked from the electrical box , if it has 35VAC on those two wires and the stop switch is unhooked it's the CDI -coil but you are not done just yet.

These have a bad habit of breaking the spark plug wires, I saw one on a TS that had about 20 breaks down the length of the wire, it won't help you get it running but you can start cutting the wires back 1/4" at a time and retest to see if you get spark, if it is this most likely the wires will end up being too short to use and you will have to send the coil off to Jetskisolutions to have new wires installed, he also tests the CDIk-coil before he does the wire replacement.

I have replaced both stators and CDI-coils before but of course I have probably worked on more 650 -750 Kawi engines than most people on here, they are also the engines I run in several of my personal skis..
I emailed jetski solutions Thank you. Please forgive my insolence. Hopefully lesson learned.

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