Where is the camera, what is it filming, where is it going?


I imagine Mr. Parr and Mrs. Parr are pretty busy (NASA…competitions…), but I do hope someone considers asking if they would be interested in having the camera as well, for I think they could also help represent Florida with some variety, in addition to surf. Fox could possible assist them, since he has a bit of experience with film (or someone else even, idk). Just a thought! This sounds as if it will be great…very excited about it all I am!


Edit: this storm about to spin off the continent is currently interesting for various reasons (quick glance only mind you). It would be great to think we could get the camera in Florida when one of our nice storms is close to our shores, as opposed to simply asking for the camera right now. Maybe Florida could be on a standby list, with the storms in mind. I think it could help with providing some excellent footage, if someone is willing to express it to us during such times (provided it does not interfere with something special they are also filming at the time of course). http://www.goes.noaa.gov/FULLDISK/GMIR.JPG


So long and thanks for all the fish
As long as it fits within the concept of the filming, then great, but just surf footage is not what we're after.


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
As long as it fits within the concept of the filming, then great, but just surf footage is not what we're after.

I gotta tell ya the suction cup mount ain't gonna cut it.
Tanner has lost 3 GOPRO's so far on fixed mount's just sayin.
Maybe a good idea for the footage to be recorded as each individual passes the torch.
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