Being new to the jetski scene compared to alot of you and being flatwater bound, still freestyle was my main reason for purchasing a ski, and a stand up straight from the word go, so far we have managed to convert a few of our friends and my wife has become a stand up lady only :cheer:
also where i am located stand ups are primarily racing only, freeride is quite a bit bigger at the surf with some exceptional riders pulling backflips and barrel rolls to entertain the crowds and hopefully inspire people to go out and buy a stand up.
but up here , NO ONE does freestyle , the racers go round the close circuit and bunny hops is the extent of it. my goal is the flatwater barrel roll, then to show it off as often as possible, i believe people need to see it to believe it from there lets just hope they also go out and buy the stand ups to compliment there 3 sitdowns they have dragging behind them. :banghead:
so far there is hope if rumours are to be believed, yamaha and kawa have new stand ups waiting to go into production if it is financially feasable. but they are very focused close circuit racer ski's , which would probably mean continuing to mod the older superjet etc.
modding can be very expensive, but i dont think it has to be prohibitively so, a set of footholds/ intake grate and impelllar is usually enough to keep most busy for a good while, if these same peopel invetsted the difference in price between a jet and RXP, they would have a one hellava trick ski
just my 2 cents from a noob:hail: