Other which one and why?


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Take a battery. Pull the plugs and turn it over. Ground plugs to head. If it turns over that is. Look for a bright spark. Look through steering nozzle with flash light and glance at the impeller/ veins. It's hard to tell what your getting into. look at all the plastic/fiberglass stuff. waterbox and fuell cell. Exhaust couplers/fittings .Not running... I wouldn't go more than $400 depending on how pump setup looks. Good luck. I recommend being patient. But i know how it is to have the itch! Again best of luck!
haha thanks man. ya, im pretty good at inspecting used toys....i hardly ever buy new. as far as these things though....hows the fuel pump work? was going to check to see if that worked too. is it electric? vacuum?
the fuel pump is on the motor side of the carb, runs off a pulse line from the crankcase. and its at least got a factory pipe on it, which is almost an $800 pipe brand new.
ive been searching for days....literally lol to see what pipe that is. the guy said it was stock to his knowledge. but i didnt think a stock pipe on ANY toy would look like that. even after racing quads and dirtbikes...never seen a nice oem pipe haha


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Kawi isnt my territory when it comes to ski's. Yamahas work.off vacuum from the crank case. Should have a hose from crankcase to carb. Carb will be labled "pulse" ... If they're like yamahas that is. Pull the inlet fuel line while turning it over. Should feel it sucking... Maybe i could be wrong. Sry if im steering you in the wrong direction lol.
you can pull of the pulse fitting on the carb and kind of mimick the pulse with your mouth, but even if its bad its still just a rubber diaphram. i would get it as cheap as you can obviously, but i would be comfortable paying $800 for it. worse comes to worse, you can get at least $400 for the pipe, a couple hundred for the hull, couple hundred for the motor, and pump.
ill be checking it out in person tomorrow. maybe itll be a transaction that is made.

only thing now, is he said it needs a top end job....i can do that no problem. butttt he doesnt know if its been bored...so now, i dont know if the cylinder walls are still good. so..it could be as easy as just doing a piston job and gaskets OR buying cylinders too. if he allows me, ill take the head off and see what i can see
Give him $300 and deal with it in the winter as a backup or parts ski, buy the other one i posted link to for $1100 and go ride today. don't forget registration fees, ie back fees
ok saw it in person today. 40 psi on front cylinder and 150 psi on rear. motor spins (obviously) but it spins smoothly and the impeller spins smoothly too.

im pretty sure the top of the head say, "PRO"
it is a Factory Pipe
im pretty sure the thrust nozzle says, "PJS performance" or "PLS performance"

anyone know anything about those things?

anyone have a new price suggestion?

thanks guys


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Probably a ocean pro or pro tec head ? I think its pjs performance. Could be wrong. You guys get set on a price?
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it looks like an Ocean Pro logo....so maybe that? regardless, it needs a rebuild on teh top end....so since its an aftermarket head...MIGHT be overbored. so now, i may have to take it back to stock cylinder and top end so thats atleast $400.

price, not really. he told me $500 but that was before i saw it.


Maybe I'll get it all the way around NEXT time....
That ski is definitely worth $400 if it turns over. What is he asking for it? Sounds like a few decent parts are on it, and like mentioned before, worst case you could part it and make some money. That pipe is $300 or better depending on if the water screws work. PJS nozzle setup is worth $100 or more, head is worth a few bucks, you'd most likely break even at $500 on that ski (less your labor). Top end jobs are quick and easy, $250-400 for a top end kit depending on pistons, $80-$100 for the bore and hone. It sounds like you are familiar with working on 2 strokes.
well, he just backed out of the deal...so no go on that ski. oh well....ill keep looking

familiar with 2strokes? indeed. raced them in dirtbikes, quads, and........(i know).....scooters. before you laugh about scooters. going 70 mph on a 70cc motor that will pull the front front wheel off the ground, in a frame that was designed to go 35mph...is pretty intense haha.

but ya, never fiddled with skis before. im stoked for it. always been on the water. never owned a ski myself. always just been reluctant to have friends with plenty to ride.


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Scoop that thing up for $400. Rebuild it, get good at riding. Sell it for a superjet. I feel ya on the scooters man. I had an elite 50 with a big bore and stroked crank. It was highly unstable at like 60mph. But awesome to get 90mpg and keep miles off my truck lol.
oh the elites.....haha ya, they are fun. even more fun, yamaha jog. super small like an elite but it has a minarelli in it...get that bad boy hitting bout 16k and it gets crazy
it was a 750...

i think the guy thought he was sitting on a goldmine because of the parts. long story short, it was still a ski that did not run....he didnt like hearing that. so he kept it....told him to let me know if he ever got it running :) lol
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