Which tilt


I reckon I can break it!
Melbourne Aus
I'm trying to decide which tilt system to go for out nof the blowsion and the wamiltons,looks like the blowsions longer steering nozzel would redirect more water but the wamiltons has the pully setup which should make pulling the lever easier. Anyone have any good advice?


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No he will not!
Don't know how much the pulley system trims, but it can't be as much as a straight pull. You may want to check out thrustinnovations.com to compare to Wammers also :wiggle: I just got the straight pull but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it looks killer :headbang:


So long and thanks for all the fish
I'm trying to decide which tilt system to go for out nof the blowsion and the wamiltons,looks like the blowsions longer steering nozzel would redirect more water but the wamiltons has the pully setup which should make pulling the lever easier. Anyone have any good advice?

Pulley means less travel, but easier pull.


I reckon I can break it!
Melbourne Aus
I mostly ride surf but sometimes flat when I dont feel up for the drive to the waves. warmers claim 30 to 35 degrees of trim depending on what the hull allows, I think the lever point on the lever must be further away from the pivot than most to get the throw the pully setup needs.
I have a question for those out there, does anyone have one of these popular trim systems that HAS NOT broken cables at about every 10th ride or so?? I have had a few different trim systems and they all grenade trim cables, usually at the most inopportune time...:aargh4: Maybe my Ski Clinic friends can put an end to this issue..
I have 3 x buddies running the Blowsion trim, 2 x of them have busted cables where the attach at the nozzle end. The other guy hasn't used his yet.


makin' legs
it had next to no steering capability, and not enough trim to be worth it, it would lighten the nose a little, but i think a d-cut ride plate would have done more

If that's the case, something is installed or adjusted incorrectly. With my Blowsion system installed, if you snap the throttle with the trim pulled, you land on your back. Tell him to look further at his setup.:dunno:
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