Which TL do I buy?


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
Sorry, I didn't say that right... I do use the new MSD's, I was calling it wrong, 2 single coils, dual pick-ups!
I use them because they work and make lots of horsepower for BR and flatwater BF...Use a good batter and no problem with batter life with the digital's. They're not even close to to power consumption as the old analog MSD's.


Louisville, Ky
Sorry, I didn't say that right... I do use the new MSD's, I was calling it wrong, 2 single coils, dual pick-ups!
I use them because they work and make lots of horsepower for BR and flatwater BF...Use a good batter and no problem with batter life with the digital's. They're not even close to to power consumption as the old analog MSD's.

How about the digital single coil set ups? Any specific issues with that type of system?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've often heard that was the least reliable of the three system, though I do not know why. The pickup, pickup plate, and flywheel are just about identical on all three.
The only real issue I see is what Fly brought up: if the brain breaks, you can't get a new replacment.
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