Freestyle which way do you roll?


Team PHP
I always roll counter-clockwise with both feet locked in. Mostly flatwater but even in surf I do it the same. I dont have a front foot strap or hold. And I don't care works for me:)


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Washington, DC
Buzzard, funny thing about me trying barrel roles. I started trying after seeing you do them. But since I didn't want to :):):):) up your lane, I'd go on the other side of the boat on try rolls over there. Since you were doing them to the left, I thought I'd do it to the right on the other side. Made sense. So I've since been stuck trying to do them right (clockwise). My bob turns a bit harder going left though, so I may switch eventually...
But it will probobly bog too the left. Thats why i make my roll attemps to the right. I say attemps cause i aint got it down yet.
i do them on the port side of the boat and roll clockwise. always both feet in the holds, and never surf stance even going straight. i always wanted to roll after watching def dave at miller since 2002. he was my inspiration. i'm finally somebody now, i'm tyrants inspiration :veryhappy: okay grasshopper, you can come over to my side of the boat now.
this is a good thread.i roll counter.i think its kinda like sk8boarding.are you regular or goofy?some people cant sk8 reg.somepeople cant sk8 goofy.then there's the new school like my son that can skate switch.he cant roll yet though! haha!
Rollin, rollin, Rollin on the river, sing along............

I fall down mostly ccw.
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