Driving to connecticut to buy an unmolested 03 superjet w/ trailer: $2000
Picking up dual bilges, worx 201, highroller carbon plate, umi bars, blowsion throttle, odi grips, graphics, pump cone, limiting strap, hood straps, new hood, quick steer plate, bored nozzle, spring, turf and a Solas prop almost exclusively from the X and PWC: $600
Tearing your anterior ligament before even getting to ride: priceless
hope your season goes better than mine...
Picking up dual bilges, worx 201, highroller carbon plate, umi bars, blowsion throttle, odi grips, graphics, pump cone, limiting strap, hood straps, new hood, quick steer plate, bored nozzle, spring, turf and a Solas prop almost exclusively from the X and PWC: $600
Tearing your anterior ligament before even getting to ride: priceless
hope your season goes better than mine...