Who has a Fire extingusher in there superjet-- Fines???


Limerick, PA
So... who actually has a fire extinguisher on ther superjet.

What are the fines like. How much? How picky are people? How lickly is it I get pulled over and asked for a fire extinguiser.

I have a squarenose as some might know. There is no way in hell im gonna put that ugly thing back in the tray. Where does any one put them in a square. Im doing handholds and hoodliner maybe I could glass in the strap and walla anythoughts here.

What about a storage box in hood for reg, safteycertificat, etc. any one???


norcal ex

San Jose, CA
i have my fire extinguisher in my hood on the square (where the tool box goes)... do you want to sell the balck fire extinguisher thing? im looking for one....


Warsaw, IN
strapped on top of the battery. Get a liplock bag to put your registration in and put it under the same strap.


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Metro Detroit
norcal ex said:
i have my fire extinguisher in my hood on the square (where the tool box goes)... do you want to sell the balck fire extinguisher thing? im looking for one....

as for my extinguisher, F that crap.
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Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
I still have mine in. Why would you get rid of it? Don't even say weight.. If you think a 1 lb fire extingusher is gona prevent you from doing a roll, you just need more practice. I always laminate my registration and put it in the fire extinguisher comparment. In addition, I cary a tow rope, 2 spark plugs and a plug wrench. Why bother getting rid of the thing and opening yourself up to that? $15 extinguisher, or $50 ticket? You tell me.

I have never been pulled over, but it wouldn' matter if I was, I'm not giving some punkass cop an excuse to give me a ticket.


Limerick, PA
norcal ex said:
i have my fire extinguisher in my hood on the square (where the tool box goes)... do you want to sell the balck fire extinguisher thing? im looking for one....

Yeah i had it posted on pwctoday.com Let me figure out what im gonna do with mine but you can be first on it.

I like romacks idea anyone else.



Warsaw, IN
not my idea, a lot of people run em like that. helps if you have a odyssy battery cause its a little smaller so gives ya some room. just make sure you arent rubbing the fuel lines with the end of the extinguisher. walmart has some shorter ones for like 10 bucks. i've never had a problem with mine coming loose.

before i saw this, i had it strapped to the top of my hood and it came loose and banged around. but that was something i rigged up. not the factory holder thing. i've never had a hood with one of those still on it.


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Metro Detroit
LBE said:
I still have mine in. Why would you get rid of it? Don't even say weight.. If you think a 1 lb fire extingusher is gona prevent you from doing a roll, you just need more practice. I always laminate my registration and put it in the fire extinguisher comparment. In addition, I cary a tow rope, 2 spark plugs and a plug wrench. Why bother getting rid of the thing and opening yourself up to that? $15 extinguisher, or $50 ticket? You tell me.

I have never been pulled over, but it wouldn' matter if I was, I'm not giving some punkass cop an excuse to give me a ticket.

Ive never been pulled over either. If i see the sheriff i go the other way. they pull people over for no reason, so I just go the other way. Its worked for 12 years, havent been stopped once.

I MIGHT strap it to my battery. I NEVER ride alone, and if i do im behind my cottage and its like 3 feet deep, so if it breaks I can push it.

For the most part im with my brother or a buddy. if one of us breaks the other tows. Simple as that. The stock setup is FUGLY, i dont care about the weight.

O ya, on my sxr its always in their, unless im racing. My registration is taped to it, laminated of course.


Limerick, PA
Its not that I dont wnat to carry one, I do. I just wanted ideas as to where to mount it. Any one else have ideas or pictures. i like the battery idea. Does it ever come loose Romack.



we don't have to have them in the ski when we ride... this is only at the jetski zone though...
What do you guys have between the batt. and fire extinguisher? I'd be concerned about it somehow coming loose and arching the batt. or something.


Grand Rapids, MI
The terminals have boots on them, and are off to one side.
teh straps keep the fire extinguisher in the center of the battery. I wondered about that as well when I first put it on, but I haven't had a problem in 5 years.
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