Who has a Fire extingusher in there superjet-- Fines???

:woot: :banghead: :banghead:

Cops are so nice here..... I dont have to go to court but have to pay 145 $ for not having a fire extinguisher in my SJ in NC.

I think Romacks way to carry one in the ski is the best. if you have a freestyle hood and I think I dont have any other choice that putting one in.

NOW I wanna know too if you guys with the tricked out SJ's have one in your ski.




Just plain me....
JensNonsens said:
:woot: :banghead: :banghead:

Cops are so nice here..... I dont have to go to court but have to pay 145 $ for not having a fire extinguisher in my SJ in NC.

I think Romacks way to carry one in the ski is the best. if you have a freestyle hood and I think I dont have any other choice that putting one in.

NOW I wanna know too if you guys with the tricked out SJ's have one in your ski.


yes...& the law will be watching


Where I ride in OH a fire extinguisher check is absolutely guaranteed at least once a year. They come down in the spring and sit by the ramp and check everybody.

The other Alex

Lake St. Clair--
I ALWAYS carry the one on my couch, and its a given if they stop you they will ask for the extinguisher. I even get it out before they even ask, just to show that I'm on top of things.
On the 550 I didnt carry one last year, just because I would have rather carried a tow line. I got stopped twice ont he 550 last year, and they didnt ask me to see my extinguisher. They are very nice to me, and if you respect them, they respect you, for the most part. They are just doing there job. When I was stopped on the 550 last year, I sat up on the gunwale of the sherriff boat, popped the hood and grabbed my registration that was under the gas tank strap. I was going to explain myself why I didnt have the fire extinguisher, but decided to keep my mouth shut unless he asked, and he didn't ask. He simply commented "Those things dont really have a lot of room to put stuff do they." And told us to be safe out there.
I think on the SJ I am going to carry one, but I havnt made up my mind yet. I dont think I will, but if I can rig it to the battery I might do that.
Here in Illilnoins it is $75 for no valid registration numbers (if they are peeled off and you can't read them) $75 for the broken whistle and $75 for a dead fire extinguisher and then when you get pissed and try to leave it is $75 for no front license plate on the truck... Illinois possum cops are major pains in the a$$ Sorry about the rant but here they sit on the ramp and check everybody leaving or returning all day 2 or 3 times a year ...

When I put foot holds in my old 750 sxi and I moved the fire extinguisher to the strap that holds the gas tank in so I won't have to worry about the battery rubbing a spot in it. Like S-xr;Lou. He had one blow from rubbing the motor and then the mortor sucked all the chemical up and didn't last a few days after and it was history so you don't want one to blow under the hood


I forgot!
so when your ski's engine bursts into flames you guys aren't really going to try and pop the hood and unstrap that extingusher while floating in the water are you? i guess if they check in your area it will keep you legal but man if you really wanted to use it, it looks like a bad place for it. i guess you could flip the ski upside down and hopefully choke out the air. i dont' have one and haven't been check here in canada, i guess they figure the ice and snow keep fires from happening, lol.


Just plain me....
D-Roc said:
so when your ski's engine bursts into flames you guys aren't really going to try and pop the hood and unstrap that extingusher while floating in the water are you? i guess if they check in your area it will keep you legal but man if you really wanted to use it, it looks like a bad place for it. i guess you could flip the ski upside down and hopefully choke out the air. i dont' have one and haven't been check here in canada, i guess they figure the ice and snow keep fires from happening, lol.
It's not about being accessible...it's about being somewhat legal. Even the extinguisher on a stock jet would be impossible to get to in case of a fire. But you can still say you've got one if you get checked. That's the point.


If you mount it outside you'd still need to open the hood to use it.
Which would be a stupid thing to do - let more air at the fire.
The thing serves no purpose except to stay legal.


makin' legs
gj_fx1 said:
If you mount it outside you'd still need to open the hood to use it.
Which would be a stupid thing to do - let more air at the fire.
The thing serves no purpose except to stay legal.

The real reason to have one on PWC is to help other boaters.


norcal ex

San Jose, CA
but they shouldnt have the law just so that we can help everyone else....and than ticket us if we dont have one.... even if you did need one to help someone whos gunna open their hood in the middle of a lake with wakes?


I forgot!
yeah it is kind of a dumb law, i wonder if they even though of any of these points, sounds like it could be more dangerous trying to use one then to not have one at all. oh well i hope they don't ask me for mine cause i'm not putting one in my hull.


ISJWTA Member #1
i'd be more likely to fountain someone before trying to get to my extinguisher, whatever was on fire would have exploded or burnt completely before any of us were able to get to our extinguishers!!!! IMO it's a stupid law for a stand up, but if they changed the law for us, all the other boaters and sitdown guys would probably start all kinds of crap, so it wouldn't be worth the hassle
I asked the cop that stopped me if I need it to protect myself or others, and he said it s for your own boat.... he actually was a nice guy and agreed with me how stupid it is to have to have one. but still gave me the ticket :banghead: :banghead:

I got one today, and it ll sit on the battery. but hey *ggg* there is no way in hell that I could get that thing out of there in case of a fire :biggrin: it even will be dangerous to open the hood to show it to the cops on the open water.
I dont wanna get into trouble and the next time I might get checked by a really piss*d cop.

The fine is 35 $ and the court costs are 110 $, but what I dont understand is, why I have to pay 110$ for court when I dont even have to go there?? I ll have to check on that.

see ya at lanier

The other Alex

Lake St. Clair--
The reason a fire extinguisher has to be on board is because PWC are considered and inboard motor boat. The Coast Gaurd requires all inboard vessels to carry a fire extinguisher, it would get too complicated to change a law just for stand-up jetskis.
Personally, if my ski catches on fire, well, 1.) There is a gas tank right there, ready to burst in flames. And 2.) With you adrenaline pumping so bad and everything happeneing so fast, by the time you fumble your fire extinguisher out, you'll be toast, no matter where the fire extinguisher is.
If my ski catches on fire, I'm jumping the hell off and swimming in a different direction.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
norcal ex said:
but they shouldnt have the law just so that we can help everyone else....and than ticket us if we dont have one.... even if you did need one to help someone whos gunna open their hood in the middle of a lake with wakes?

That's a universal maritime law: you must help others who are in trouble on the water. I kind of like it: you never know when you'll be on the receiving end....


give me fuel give me fire
i wouldnt be without one anymore. where i ride the sheriffs now know to look for me. My first time on the lake last year i got pulled over with my freshly painted sj without reg. numbers, reg. papers, exstinguisher, didnt have my boater saftey certificate on me, and i was out past sunset. also my cousin was riding my other ski at the time and they considered it mine so i ended up with one $165 ticket and 6 warnings, not to mention the privlage of being pulled over and checked everytime i go to the lake.

i know i know, im a dumbass. but i really wanted to ride!


Virginia Beach
So I'd planned on sticking my fire extinguisher on top of my battery. I just got my motor put back together this weekend and now the extinguisher here gets in the way of my wcf breather tube. I tried strapping my extinguisher to my gas tank but that just doesn't look like it'll hold. Ideas?
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