Surfriding Who stole our beach house in the ride zone?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
No hard feelings just wondering who will be there. It's the beach house with a garage just south of the event hotel and in the ride zone.

We stayed there last year and loved it and tried to get it again this year but the rental company screwed us. We cound not officially book it because it was sold during the year then remodeled and owner wasn't sure what to charge blah, blah, blah. We have you guys down and will get the rental agreement to you as soon as we can blah, blah, blah.

Then an email that says sorry I put you guys on the schedule for the wrong days and someone else already booked it on your weekend.



Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
You guys!? I suspected it was someone we knew. In that case ur a bunch of butt wholes for stealing it and I may crash in for a hot shower if it is crazy cold. Lol

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Ride zone is the same.......................

Hey Dog.............. There are scoundrels in these parts. Watch out. They will bushwack you if you are not careful and make you walk the plank. with a Kawi 650 chained to your ass.
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