Other Who's one way valve does not leak?

i would like to hear some feedback from people using one way valves. specifically i would like to know what brand you are using and how bad your valve back flows.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
The only valve I've used personally that hasn't leaked is the Blowsion one-way.


NE Tenn
The only valve I've used personally that hasn't leaked is the Blowsion one-way.

As much as l love Blowsion parts,mine started leaking after 4 years.

On my build l'm using a zoeller one way valve and an xscream scupper.The dam thing shouldn't leak.
The only valve I've used personally that hasn't leaked is the Blowsion one-way.
is it the old greenish valve that they don't sell anymore ?
my buddy has one we installed like ten years ago and it does not leak but I'm pretty sure one can not buy the same valve anymore
Barrie, ON
They all do a little....I'm going to be running a X-metal scupper on my new SJ build. I was thinking about using an internal one way valve as well however these valves work best the more water they have up against them forcing them closed. Any water that trickled by my X-metal supper would surely trickle by the internal one way valve inside. I've got a 1.5" home depot valve in my X2 and it has worked great for 3 years now. It'll be interesting to see how it compares to the Xmetal scupper.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I've got a versaplug max in my BOB on the way. I'll let you know how it does. I don't expect it to leak.
I've used the home depot valve on my past two hulls. First one didn't leak a drop this one has a very tiny trickle.. You'd have to park the ski for several hours I think to do any damage. Though a forgotten ty-wrap, or a screwdriver down the tube from the inside will sink it quick, been there.
i think they are all junk in one way or the other
1 i had a 24-7 scupper ..... worked great but leaked like a mofo
2nd blowsion valve no probs so far 5 years ,im happy with it
diff ski i have a zoller valve , same as the blowsion but fraction of the price - leaks baddly but not as bad as 24-7
thank for the input i will give the home depot valve a shot. i have a threaded fitting in the rear so i can plug the one way tube just encase the boat dies and the valve leaks. I'm not running foam so the plug could save my ski some day.
i have also used the stock siphon to remove any water that may enter the tray area.
this with two bilge pumps i should be good to go, triple redundancy never fails:fingersx:


New York Crew
Western New York
my blowsion valve never leaked... was awesome.

in my current ski I am running an XFT 3" monster scupper. It's works really well and really only leaks if something gets stuck in it... part of a ziptie etc.


The Good Old Days
thank for the input i will give the home depot valve a shot. i have a threaded fitting in the rear so i can plug the one way tube just encase the boat dies and the valve leaks. I'm not running foam so the plug could save my ski some day.
i have also used the stock siphon to remove any water that may enter the tray area.
this with two bilge pumps i should be good to go, triple redundancy never fails:fingersx:

Same setup I have and till this day I haven't needed to cap off the scupper tube. As a matter of fact, I gave up on the bilge pumps about a year into the one-way. There was just no need for them.
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