650/X-2 Why Do they Sink?


Just a curiosity thing, but X2's remain very popular. Incredible numbers of them show up at Daytona and many other events, I'm sure. But it's a "given" that you're gonna see at least one, even at a small "get-together" ride, up-side-down blowing water out of the engine.

I don't ride one. I've ridden a friends, enjoyed it, but found it difficult to re-mount in deep water.

I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) that there is another ski...as old.....that retains it's popularity like the X2.

But why do they sink!!!

And..why don't we see more wave carving as opposed to jumping? The hull has nose rocker that I wish my sj had. There is the stock up-trim as well. You would think that with these two features alone that this would be a surf-riding machine!

All I can come up with is weight distribution. Maybe a bit heavy in the front.

But, there has got to be something there that makes riders like them.
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X2 are bad because they like to roll completely over more than a standup. If the engine stays running while rolling they take in a lot of water. The air vents should have hoses that go all the way to the bottom and center of the hull. Kawasaki didnt make them that way and nobody has the imagination to fix the problem. Whats really bad is that most people remove the hood foam so they can sink to the bottom.


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I had one for a year, that was enough. While fun, deep water mounting was my biggest problem. Out here, the surf is 6 ft with 8 seconds between. You need to be able to mount fast, and these skis require you to let go of the bars to do so, then you get your chest up on the seat far enough to reach the bars, and it wants to roll over on you.

I had a 95, so it had nose foam, only 94s and 95s had that. I also zip tied a pool noodle to the bars to help it right itself. Most people ditch the stock bar foam that helps right the ski, bad idea.
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Yes the popularity of the X2 surprizes me also. I hate them. I'd rather ride a 550 than a X2. Whats even more baffling is that some guys do the fixed steer hood conversion to there SJ's. Its beyond me. Just MO. Maybe a fixed steer SJ/X2 fan will pipe in and enlighten me. I think it just falls back to personal preference


It's true, some riders just like fixed steering...be it and sj or blaster or X2. I don't have a problem with that.

I was hoping to hear more comments on surfing x2's , instead of just jumping with butt-stab landings.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
It's true, some riders just like fixed steering...be it and sj or blaster or X2. I don't have a problem with that.

I was hoping to hear more comments on surfing x2's , instead of just jumping with butt-stab landings.

I guess I can chime in, I have both an X2 and a fixed steer 650SX, the two are totally different skis in every way, the X2 is actually easier to reboard and ride than the SX in any situation, the SX's claim to fame is light weight and it takes nothing to get this ski airborne. Side mounting the SX is damn near impossible but of the two I much prefer the SX over the X2, with a little more power which is coming soon the SX will be awesome . Also the hood opening on the X2 is very low and the hood seals rarely totally seal the hood making a bilge pump mandatory. The first X2'S did not come with adequate flotation, that is where the hood foam came into play, originally it was a kit that was installed on the first X2's, later models came with the foam already
installed, if for some reason you remove this foam you do not have adequate flotation to keep the craft from sinking, ask me how I know this. :Thinkingof_:
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I like the fixed SJ and hate the x2. There is more control with a fixed steer hood than a pole.

I guess that's a matter of personal preferance..
I like the pole....and I like it pretty loose. I like it to move with me, instead of me having to "move it".

I also like fixed steering. Blasters & x2's....never ridden a fixed steer sj. But I had a hell of a time deep water mounting the fixed steers I've ridden.
Granted, in time I'd have figured it out.

Very fun to ride, a sense of security, til you dump!
All I can say is you need to ride a well built fixed steer and then you will know why people like them.

My X2 with a fully built 800 is a real fun ski in surf or flat.

To me a pole ski just feel odd, there are no poles on any other power sport vehicles. You don't see a pole on a dirt bike, quad, snow mobile or a steer bike. Do you? Who wants a big hing between them and the main part of what you are riding.
It's funny the guys that knock the fixed steer SJs and SXRs have never been on one!

A well built fixed steer rides like a dirt bike on the water!


Yes the popularity of the X2 surprizes me also. I hate them. I'd rather ride a 550 than a X2. Whats even more baffling is that some guys do the fixed steer hood conversion to there SJ's. Its beyond me. Just MO. Maybe a fixed steer SJ/X2 fan will pipe in and enlighten me. I think it just falls back to personal preference

Maybe it's because they can be picked up sooooo inexpensively. But then, there are hardcore X2'ers that love 'em and put more money into them than they would an sj.

The rocker in the hull and the upward stock trim was to be my main point. Seldom do you see x2's carving waves, when it seems that they have the built-in goods to do so.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
All I can say is you need to ride a well built fixed steer and then you will know why people like them.

My X2 with a fully built 800 is a real fun ski in surf or flat.

To me a pole ski just feel odd, there are no poles on any other power sport vehicles. You don't see a pole on a dirt bike, quad, snow mobile or a steer bike. Do you? Who wants a big hing between them and the main part of what you are riding.
It's funny the guys that knock the fixed steer SJs and SXRs have never been on one!

A well built fixed steer rides like a dirt bike on the water!

Actually, I have seen a snowmobile with a handlepole. It was a Honda prototype and it was a stand up, too. Obviously it never made it past the testing stage, but it did work.


Thread's not about fixed steer vs. pole. Not about one ski vs. another. X2's are popular.

#1. Why?

#2. Why don't we see more slashing/carving .....surfing!!! from a boat that is built for it.

or: is the weight distribution completely wrong?

We all know that the danger of sinking a ski is greater when carving waves as opposed to air tricks or jumps. Pearl and roll can go on for a long time, where a bad landing on an air trick is over quickly.....usually.
I gave up on trying to explain this whole thing along time ago.

X2s rock (if built right) not some stock 650 with a stock prop.

And yes I have more money into my 95 X2 than most SJs. You could buy 2 brand new SJs for the money in this thing. But I love it and I ride it so it doesn't mater what anyone else thinks.
The reason you don't see as many out there is any idiot can go out and buy a brand new SXR or SJ and bolt a pipe on it. And anyone one can go sign a line and take out a loan on a new ski.

Not everyone has $10k-$20k cash to build a real surf built X2 or the knowledge or skill to build one. You can't just walk into a dealer and buy one.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I guess that's a matter of personal preferance..
I like the pole....and I like it pretty loose. I like it to move with me, instead of me having to "move it".

I also like fixed steering. Blasters & x2's....never ridden a fixed steer sj. But I had a hell of a time deep water mounting the fixed steers I've ridden.
Granted, in time I'd have figured it out.

Very fun to ride, a sense of security, til you dump!

with time you remount faster than with a pole. climbing up the back doesn't really work.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Thread's not about fixed steer vs. pole. Not about one ski vs. another. X2's are popular.

#1. Why?

#2. Why don't we see more slashing/carving .....surfing!!! from a boat that is built for it.

or: is the weight distribution completely wrong?

We all know that the danger of sinking a ski is greater when carving waves as opposed to air tricks or jumps. Pearl and roll can go on for a long time, where a bad landing on an air trick is over quickly.....usually.

pete jacobs slashes an x2 very well


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Legdrag Pete really pushed his X2 to a new level. It really requires a different riding stye to get the most from them. Anyone I know that wants to try it, I tell them to ride it like it's the world finals. Legdrag every turn, or it'll roll over on you. I think what keeps X2's going strong is the creativity and imaginaion that can be applied to them. A guy with some fiberglass knowledge can transform it into a unique ski very easily. Engine options are plentiful, too.


NE Tenn
Dan,l loved my X2 and enjoyed riding it.Took a lot of practice to master,but l diff enjoyed the way it felt.Jeff Kantz was real popular at the time and could do about anything freestyle on one.l guess that is what got me to ride mine.Dumped a crap load of money into it when l had it.We had the wife's 650sx and a 440 at the time.About that time is when the first 750's were coming out.Three of my buddies bought the kawis and just left my azz at the ramp.l guess that was only reason l ended up selling it.

l must say when l made a commitment to learn to ride a stand up,l thought the pole just sucked (lol coming off the X2).But now it would be hard to go back.l rode Hornedogg's last summer and just did not like it after now just riding my standups.

Maybe your answer lies in what you got started on IMO.


havin fun
clearwater FL
I think the main initial attraction at least today is the price. you can usually pick up a ski for pretty cheap probably less than a square. so its an easy in. problem is that just like a square it takes a ton of money to make it into something you can really ride like we like to ride.

the second thing I think that keeps them popular is not knowing what you are missing. an x2 provides the challenge that we like and strive to master. with some hull mods and more power (just like a sj) the ski is transformed into an easier ski to ride and allows you to be a better rider. If you never ride something better how would you know what you are missing?

There are plenty of great x2 riders, watching legdragpete slash the hell out of Daytona years ago was enough for me to want one. of course it doesnt hurt he is about 6 inches shorter and 75lbs lighter than my fatazz!!! Pete was riding in the breaking surf and slashing so hard he was normally sideways on every carve. like laying down sideways. I have also seen D-slicker jump higher than I have ever seen any ski go. Both are really cool guys.

Of course since a good portion of these skis are purchased cheap and not built up making it harder to be in the surf of course more will see breakdowns or get rolled because they are not up to the task.

I have tubbies, bottom fill and a 750 on mine and its still sucks. I still need to trim the back, install the 13/18sxr prop and install the pipe and I am hoping that will get me a snappy little ski. if not I will probably be done with it as I can ride a 61x fixed square that has what I need in a ski.

I see that alot of x2 riders are of a mind that there is no other ski, and you cannot convince them otherwise. Vumad is one. I feel bad that he keeps dumping more and more time and money in his ski and less time riding. but the goal is always just about within reach. He wont give it up. jrslim was a kawi guy and now he has seen the light. shawn NJ is another. I could say that at some point my x2 may be something I love to ride but right now I just dont have the sickness. I know people go from riding couches and x2s and blasters to a sj but how many go the other way? I think it just comes down to money and spending enough time to actually ride something better to get you away from an x2. but its just a theory.

I like to watch all the x2s jumping and slashing around. I always like to see all the guys modding the crap out of their x2s. variety is good. its one more choice and its an easy way to get into 2 stroke riding. thats a good thing no matter the ski.
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