650/X-2 Why Do they Sink?

The rider position and center of gravity is too far forward unless the rider is very big. X2s become more viable with the rider moved aft 6-12 inches. A low bar makes reboarding easy, although its harder on the wrist and shoulders. I think the reason X2s and fixed steers in general arent as popular is because they have no champion to lead the rest. If a couple of the big names were doing the cool tricks on fixed steers then there would be hundreds trying to emulate.
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Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
i love X2! there sick for surfing, super rocker they rarely pearl. i rode the PISS out of gomez's and i couldnt get enough. just IN the wave dragging shoulder PITTED hahahaha but seriously that did happen. WOT from 50+ feet launching re-entrys. i love those things. didnt turn worth :):):):) but it was all good. ive never seen on sunk sunk but mark and rich are the only guys i know that have them. daytona looked like a grave yard tho!
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