Why not 2 part closed cell foam a tray

air blair

you are the reason

Because it's hard to get my garage 80degrees?

Air blair cell


Buy a Superjet
I do the closed cell HD foam then smooth out the top with 2 part. You get a bucket of hot water and warm up the the 2 part foam before pouring it.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Ping pong balls are expensive. I've seen 2L bottles and water bottles stuffed in there. Now that's cheap.

air blair

you are the reason
Ok,ok. Reason I do:
1. Structural support for tray, footholds-and through fittings. No vibrations.

2. Waterproofing capabilities. Both for keeping water out and flotation.

3. Fills every void, no voids no water.

4.As with anything. You need to do research and know you product.

Notice as it expanded around item with no restrictions it will just go straight up. Measure your area well when blind filling.
This stuff is awesome but know what your doing with it and know what it will do.
Secondary bonding and whatnot. Key to great success is ya trade tricks also.
I fill this area first then bond my decks together. I will show pics and trucks later.
This is 2lb density foam cause I don't really need much structural help but maintaining structural support and waterproofing.

Believe me I've thaught of alternative measures of filling with say water bottles, cut foam, ping pong balls and whatnot. I choose not to use those methods personally.

Air blair cell

air blair

you are the reason
Kinda hard. The knife stabbing foam turned it from closed cell to open cell.
Just like an open door it will let water into its bubbled. Closed cell is a closed door. Get it

Air blair cell
doesn't closed cell foam eventually load up with water?
this is what the oem use and look at the results.
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air blair

you are the reason
Pour foam is the most economical way to seal up all the crevices and holes. Over years the foam will tear away from sides causing it to be open cell. Water sitting in tray will eventually (years) absorb into it.
Uscg approved foam is 4lb density but the 2lb will float her just as well, cheaper as it expands twice as much. I can put a number on how many boats get water in behind their firewall but I'd say 99% of them will. I generally drill a small hole in lowest point of rear on hull to let water out if I suspect it. Rideplate bolts are say a real low point. Oem superjet yes is closed cell. If I owned a superjet the first thing o would do is drill a hole on both sides to let the water out. It's in there believe me. And it's trying like hell to break through the closed cells

Air blair cell
Oem superjet yes is closed cell. If I owned a superjet the first thing o would do is drill a hole on both sides to let the water out. It's in there believe me. And it's trying like hell to break through the closed cells

Air blair cell

But will it ever actually drain out of the foam once its in there? I have a SN hull that felt like it had water in it so I drilled it. Some came out right away and it continued to drain very slowly for a couple weeks, then it basically stopped. Even after letting it sit nose up all winter that thing it probably 40lbs heavier than it should be.


Seattle, WA
"Build strong enough to not need it for structure and run polystyrene and tray drains" is my political stance on this subject. I hate defoaming.

I'm with McDog here. That foam gets brittle after a few years in action, starts losing its closed-cell-ness after long stints of vibration endurance and submersion in water. EPS for the win below the bond line is my take on it.

air blair

you are the reason
But will it ever actually drain out of the foam once its in there? I have a SN hull that felt like it had water in it so I drilled it. Some came out right away and it continued to drain very slowly for a couple weeks, then it basically stopped. Even after letting it sit nose up all winter that thing it probably 40lbs heavier than it should be.
That's a 20 year old hull. Hard to tell if it will dry 100 %. Probably kinda like. Sponge now. Might dry up but absorb quick. Let it drain everytime

Air blair cell
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