widening an sxr tray: be gentle lol


Amarillo, TX
I've got a stock sxr hull that i'm building mainly for a corner turner and cruiser. (have a sj for freestyle) I wanted to install some footholds but am now considering hogging out the gunwhales practically to the outside glass in order to get more tray room.

Has anyone done this? Would you use the extra room turnin? I always wished my SXI tray had more room.

I do realize I'll run into the pipe on the right side....no biggie

not worried about devaluing the hull

not planning on racing it (except against my buddies) so not worried about rules or regs

am a lil concerned about it weakening the gunwhales but again I won't be barreling this one and will use plenty of glass as I'm not as concerned about weight on this one

made cut-outs on my SXI before foot holds were being produced.....yeah that's right a LONG time ago

know I'm an newb to the X but not at all a newb to freestyle (been ridin stand-ups for 12 years) so any constructive help would be greatly appreciated.......bashing is not needed.....I have ex-girlfriends for that......Thanx:woot:


havin fun
clearwater FL
whatever floats your boat- but keepin mind the more you narrow it the sharper the top will be. you may want to lower the sides down a bit to keep a wider flatter top to it?


Amarillo, TX
X2. And if you not doing freestyle what for you need footholds ?

Weeeellll......I've riden with footholds (cut outs) so long I'm just used to it.....know it widened my stance which helped with balance...which resulted in less frequent spash downs...jumpin.....blah blah blah......so I got my SXR hull and the voices in my head began chanting "muuuuuuust have footholds"

after reasoning with the voices in my head I realized I don't need actual factual footholds......think that cut outs running all the way down both sides of the tray would be more useful for a corner turner....

even though it won't be used primarily for freestyle when ya just happen to come across a wave I believe it would be nice to have somethin for your feet to hang on to....que no?......

it's stripped to the bone.....it's freakin cold here and will be for a few months.......so if I'm gonna do somethin then nows the time......

not dead set on it.....that's why I'm asking for input from you guys before I bust out the chain saw.....:djsmilie:


Amarillo, TX
Thanks for all the input guys.....
would still love to hear more........
trust me I've got plenty of projects and leaving the tray alone would definitely make life easier:beerchug:


havin fun
clearwater FL
I can make you something like what Scott Watkins runs in his boat. its like a 2 x 2 cutout that runs the length of the tray. you will obviously have to work around the exhaust.


Amarillo, TX
I can make you something like what Scott Watkins runs in his boat. its like a 2 x 2 cutout that runs the length of the tray. you will obviously have to work around the exhaust.

thanks, I'll definitely consider that....could ya PM me a price? how about 3 by 3?.....yes...... I am greedy.....:Banane01:

however, my evil plan was to make the cuts into the foam somewhat concave at the tops to fit the foot a lil better and just use the foam as my form to hand lay glass on so I don't have to drill, fill, and reglass after.

again I am open to any and all discussion..........


Amarillo, TX
:damnit:knew I was gonna get called out.....negative.....I have never ridden an SXR......(have ridden a sn sj, rn sj, 300, 440, 550, 650sx, 750sx, sxi, malone's 97 champioship ski, have a Wammer with a x metal 1000, but have not riden an SXR).......

just have a beat to hell 750SXI with a lot of good parts that aren't worth crap.......so just on everything (always good) I've heard about SXRs I decided to buy a hull and build one for a cruiser......I love freestyling but wouldn't mind "dragging my ears" in a turn and takin a cruise across the lake without a refueling tanker having to follow me.

.....the extra tray room seems logical to me but....... that is why I"m asking you guys that ride SXRs to chime in.......constructively

Thanks again


havin fun
clearwater FL
mmm if there is turf in already- put it together and ride it once. its pretty roomy. I get the need for locking in. but you should at least ride one first.

yes if you have a die grinder of cutoff wheel- I would lay the ski on the side and cut it out and shape the foam. its not gonna be real pretty but with some work you can make it decent. that will be the cheapest best way to get EXACTLY what you want. next would be to install something but like you said its more involved. I am a cheapass and would do it myself. lol

I have had mine for a year and other than installing a front toehold that holds my fire extinguisher I have not really needed the holds. I want them in and will do it but its not a huge priority.
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