Wiring up Blowsion bilge switch, only 3 wires?


Urban redneck
The instructions included with my rotary 3 position bilge switch tell you how to wire it up, except there are 4 wires in the instructions [black, gray, white and red]. The switch only has 3 wires, which are blk, gray and white. So now I'm a bit confused which wires are for what on this switch. Any ideas?
Do the wires have bullet connectors on them? The male connector is wired to 12v, and the female connectors are your outputs. Pick one wire with the female connector, and wire it to your bilge. Or, use an ohm meter to figure out which wire correlates to the switch position left of center(off) or right of center(off)


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Granbury, TX
Sweet, thanks. That was quick! Should work the same if i want to switch the ground?
Yeah, it’ll work the same, I actually have mine wired that way (switching ground). Used solder and heat shrink and my switch and pumps still work like new after 10 years.

Edit: FYI a diode is basically a one way valve for current, if you look at it that way the diagram should make more sense. Just make sure you use a 2 amp or larger diode.
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