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The irony is December 25th is not the birth date of Jesus Christ. His actual birth date is not listed in scripture. Its estimated to be in September or October. December 25th is the birth date of a pagan deity named ra the sun god or semiramis which are pagan deities going back to the babylonian times..just as easter as nothing to do with the resurrection. That took place around passover which is a before Easter. Easter is actually a celebration of Ishtar a "goddess of fertility". Personally I find Tom macarnold while he says some truth in his lyrics is actually controlled opposition..he totes the same dark vs false light message that most of them do..tickle your ears with truth so you'll listen to them so they can deceive you.. "whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him." -Albert pike.
That's what I'm saying, I've checked him out enough to know what I said in my previous post is true.
If you want a guy on Youtube to dictate to you what you think so be it , it does explain a few things though.
Political? There is no event more "political" in the history of mankind than the birth and life of Jesus Christ.
The King at the time of his birth was so afraid of Him that he killed all the children in the realm who were two years old and younger.
Think about that.
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View attachment 452797
Matthew 2, English Standard Version
Was the ultimate crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans "political"?
If you cannot accept the politics of the birth and death of Jesus, maybe don't wish anybody a "Merry Christmas"?
Because you may be wishing them a Secular Happy Santa Time rather than a true Christian Merry Christmas.
Tom MacDonald gets it.
Do you?
At the moment I am not sure what to think of you , because I don't know you personally what you post here is all I that I have to go off of .@WFO Speedracer Dude is that what you think of me? I would have expected that you'd know me better than that.
I try to follow what I guy who lived 2024 years ago dictates to me what I think.
Unfortunately for us all. He is not on youtube.