World finals videos and pictures

Just wanted to start a thread for pics from world finals 2020. I know there was some guys out there because the freestyle presence was heavy this weekend. The session at “that beach” on Saturday afternoon was awesome! Sucks I have to clickbait my video as I didn’t even go into finals or crazy horse for that matter. I literally just went and rode all day Saturday at the same spot then Sunday at lower river in parker. Here’s my video.

Hahahaha poopty!!! That’s why I stick to certain sections of the river where that’s just not going to happen. And when I’m where there is a presence of police like that on the water (or shore) I am keeping an eye out and I’ll be sitting down on the beach as they are trying to pick someone to harass lul. Hope that wasn’t you, almost none of us had registration stickers lul
It always helps to have registration numbers on the side of your ski... :p Without them is how you attract cops to Body beach..lolol Thats what you get!
Lul in AZ it’s more common than not people are dropping freshly built skis in before worrying about that crap especially at finals time. I definitely appreciate the smaller river sections for the reason of having no police presence aside from major weekends. I did get a extinguisher on my rickter and will have reg next time I go out though. The extinguisher is just in the Yamaha yellow container with handle and I can set it off to the side when I get where I’m going haha.


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Lul in AZ it’s more common than not people are dropping freshly built skis in before worrying about that crap especially at finals time.

Yeah your right, just razzin'. :D It is real common around here, especially around WF time. I see ski's at BB all year round that never get registered... I just always keep a close look out for the water cops. If your legal and you stay around BB area they dont care how crazy you get, thats the best thing.
Yeah your right, just razzin'. :D It is real common around here, especially around WF time. I see ski's at BB all year round that never get registered... I just always keep a close look out for the water cops. If your legal and you stay around BB area they dont care how crazy you get, thats the best thing.
Next time I head down to havasu I’ll hit you up to ride! Do you ride year round or do you hang it up for a couple months? I usually get real active with the wetsuit during the winter, run the pissers into the tray to keep my feet warm and just enjoy being able to ride on smooth water with no one around. The lakes never really get even close to how cold the ocean is so I just wetsuit through the winter typically haha! It’s only a 3hr drive to havasu for me too, you should come checkout the river sections. I’m riding Blythe this weekend and have a really awesome spot for standups to rip a few miles sound of the 10 on the river
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