Wreckless Operation Ticket


Semper Fi
South Louisiana
I was riding Friday on the river I always ride on doing some basic trix when a Louisiana wild life agent pulled me over and wrote me a wreckless operation ticket.No warning nothing.There were no boats on the river at the time,I was not jumping boat wakes just doing subs and hood riding.Really sucks b/c I have never even gotten a speeding ticket.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
i'v alsways wondered about that.

lets hope thats not the only lake around you. i'd half to give up the sport if the cops would not let me freestyle
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Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
tell them your practicing for your show, you do this for a living and run with it...

thankfully the cops around me like watching, they are more concerned about the inebriated on party island which is one cove over :)


Are we there yet?
Man, That sucks! I don't know the laws around there. but can they do that? I mean I know they can pretty much do anything they want, but thats retarded. We need an A.M.A. for watercraft. I'd think about fighting it.

Although, if you were in a river that might be the reason. VS. if you were in more open waters.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
goto court if you have the chance and explain to the judge that you werent endangering any persons or property ( including your own)



next time

dont let him catch you...



Semper Fi
South Louisiana
Yea Im going to the DA office to talk to them and if they can't do anything I will fight it in court.I have vever had a problem with the cops before,just caught the wrong a hole on the wrong day.

(They told me I had to ride my ski just as I would drive a 30 ft boat):lmao:


M.D. in the works...
Troy, MI
SUCKS i'm sorry dude.

if possible, when i see any official i go talk to him/her to 1. show respect 2. ask if they're gonna give me a ticket. EVERY single time (4 or 5 times) the person said something like 'it can be considered a reckless...i don't care if you're being safe and staying away from people.' sometimes gotta show him papers and extinguisher then i'm cool. It just shows him that you follow the rules and you're safe.

btw how much was the ticket for? this f*in ruins my day every time i hear about it it's the kid on his dad's rxp that needs the ticket.
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I've got the glow
Site Supporter
You know their mantra:


(that's me in the middle)
I would go fight it also. Where does it say on the craft that you can't do subs or ride on the hood. If their isn't a sticker or a warning for it then it isn't illegal... That is what the Illinois DNR told my buddy for riding 4 people on his seadoo XP... He did get pulled over but they couldn't find a warning stating that you can't ride someone on the hood. So he let him go.
def. fight that shiznit! i'm curious to know what they consider "wreckless" if no one was around. Are there any signs posted in the area that says anything that could even be interpreted to what you were doing? Get a hold of a boat safety book for your state and comb through it.

ps... if your ever in CA, stay away from Castaic lake on a jet ski. they have a specific area that is only for pwc and you can only go in ONE direction, and NO tricks at all. and you have to lay in the tray and idle out because of the no wake zone. they WILL hassle you for brapin the throttle even a lil bit.

hows that for Crap-tastic!
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