WTB: SuperJet SJ Gas Tank & RN or SN SuperJet Waterbox Exhaust

Looking to buy a superjet gas tank. Any year will fit.
I also need the gas tank straps if available.

Also looking for a RN SJ Stock Water Box & another RN waterbox for my SN, but a SN Waterbox would work, bc i need a waterbox for my sons SN SJ. But my ski is a RN and is missing the waterbox and gas tank..

Let me know what you have.

Just went through the same thing on my SN, water box cracked. It’s JB welded for now but 2 weeks on a new tdr, they are made to order. May want to go that route
if you want a very nice fitting, smaller, light weight waterbox that is only a little louder and throatier than stock for a great price point, Jetmaniac has a very nice waterbox. I actually just purchased one for my rockered RN superjet.
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