Super Jet wtf seriously


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You hear some stories about some of those a/m starters!! Like 3 ebay starters in a row dead or malfunctioning in a month, I was told by one rider.

I will bet that they still sell some...therearesomeidontknownothin'couchersfosho

I have 2 spare OEM starters and 3 Bendixes on the shelf and none are for sale. You just never know when you will need one, both or multiples.

You are right about that!

Seems like yamaha designed our 'second ebox' to be challenging to keep dry.

It is mounted much lower in the bilge and has a much more complicated array of electrics and the mysteriously complicated idlergearcompstarterdrivebendix 'aka' I.E.D. when they get wet or when weight plate/spring breaks. 2nd ebox requires extra care to seal on starter nose, stator grommet, fly cover , and even bet'n cases.

actually, as soon as i get financially stable in orlando ill start my blaster project and have to use my spares. i might go ahead and break the bank for new thou, its not a bad investment. especially for a surf ski.

If you buy new, make sure to seal all critical areas especially well to protect your investment.

I also like to keep 'beach bendix' in my truck for a quickie install to keep riding...dont want to put minty parts in a rushed beachside reseal.
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