WTF!!! Still no spark! Replaced everything....almost.

Replaced the coil, replaced the rectifier, checked the main fuse. my 09 SXR will turn over on the started motor but it still has no spark. At the end of the season last year it started blowing the main fuse. I replaced it a couple times and it ran fine until the lat ride the season when it died about 50ft from the dock. i put it away thinking it was just another blown main fuse. Now nothing!!! I have had the electrical box out of this thing three times now. I even went as far as replacing the entire box with a box from other SXR that is running fine. Still no spark!!! So I have ruled out the electrical box and its components. What next? Stator? Can you check that thing in the ski to see if it good or sod you have to remove and replace? Please help...I'm about ready to light this thing on fire!
Stator is in flywheel cover so yeh motor stays in boat and you can look at it. The manual has a resistance check ya can do on the wires to check it.
resistance is bad on the stator. Compared to my SXR thats running perfect it barely even registers on the multi meter. Like i said it was blowing the main fuse prior to this issue. You think its the stator or the crank shaft positioning sensor? Do they ever go bad?
Don't give up! :)

#1 - Check your Start/Stop switch - your stop switch might be stuck

#2 - Crank it for just a second and let off. Watch the plug for spark as soon as you let off the start button. If it sparks once or twice when you let off, it's usually a weak stator or a bad starter. If you keep cranking it will not spark. but when you let off, the battery has enough voltage to feed the stator. It sounds weird, but even if your starter cranks hard, if it draws too much current and an older stator may not fire.


Standing Tall
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I agree with above, Stator is the week link on both 750/800 platforms.
If it becomes overheated, the coils breakdown. Sometimes hard to see on an Ohm test.
I suggest changing the stator with a known good one and retest.
Jr. spot on.....the pulse coil on the stator is really the worst component on the SX /SXR's......I used to have them rewired with a slightly thicker SWG and a few hundred less turns..very cheap fix ...puts out lower voltage, but was rock solidas it could handle higher current spikes ..I did about 10 using the same rewinder....they rewind them manually out my way...... for about 30 USD....go figure
Start stop switch. The rubber fails and let's water into the switch. Jetskisolutions rebuilt mine and it works flawlessly. No reason to buy a new one! Take it apart and the switch behind the buttons has a silicone/rubber boots. Mine was torn and full of water.
Start stop switch. The rubber fails and let's water into the switch. Jetskisolutions rebuilt mine and it works flawlessly. No reason to buy a new one! Take it apart and the switch behind the buttons has a silicone/rubber boots. Mine was torn and full of water.

I also had this problem, ended up frying a wire.
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