is it possible to have 200 on a 650 with a head? i know the gasket could be bad on the front to cause the drop, but what would make the rear so high before i opened it up?
haha! psssh 200, is nothing compared to the 235 i had on my old 650 motor, wanst reliable for $#*t BUT it screamed!:brap: i was running a milled ocean pro on a decked and ported cyl with big bore sleeves and 660 pistons. had to run VP116 minimum, and i still blew it up twice a year!
anyways, 135 i believe is stock compression. stock motor with a high comp head should be around 175 or so, depending on what domes your running.
When checking compression 1. make sure the tester is screwed in all the way! ( late night.. too much beer... too little sleep... long story.. dont wanna talk about it..) 2. make sure you have a fully charged battery and you hold it at WOT 3. crank it over till the needle stops climbing, about 5 seconds-ish.
4. repeat.
If your running a mriner head theres a chance one of your O-Rings are bad, change those first since theyre cheap and easy to do. Also MAKE SURE you used the correct torque pattern. start in the middle then work your way out ( a lot of heads are numbered) make sure you torque in steps, toruque them all to about 10 ft/lbs then go back and bring them to 22 ft/lbs ( at least that was the specs for my ocean pro) retest it and go from there. if its still low in one cyl, pull the motor out, change the rings and try again, if its still low, bore it and put in bigger pistons, if you still got low compression, you might want to invest in a new tester.. wait maybe trying another tester should be like the second thing you try.. hmm.. crap...another late night.. no sleep.. except unfortunately no beer this time..