X-Metal Poles Anyone?

If you have a SJ with the NEW X Metal Pole Post some pics!
I am stuck between X Metal and RRP!

Any suggestions?



rrp, because they are sexy, and easily use the pole spring, but there are lots of guys that'll tell ya to go for the xmetal, probably cant go wrong either way


Grand Rapids, MI
Xmetal pole all the way. 5" of adjustability and no exposed threaded rod on the underside. Plus, the steering setup is cleaner, and the pole has a curve to it instead of two angles. In addition, the pole itself is lighter as well as the mounting bracket. The one final thing is the fact that it is less expensive than an RRP. Plus, it's MADE IN THE USA!


Stand up or Shut up!

If you are riding surf, you want a studier pole. I have broken a couple stock poles and seen a ton of poles get torn off skis. Limiting ropes help. But the Oregon Surf can be brutal and unforgiving.

Come see for yourself at the Blowsion Surfslam. No east coast waves here baby!
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If you are riding surf, you want a studier pole. I have broken a couple stock poles and seen a ton of poles get torn off skis. Limiting ropes help. But the Oregon Surf can be brutal and unforgiving.

Come see for yourself at the Blowsion Surfslam. No east coast waves here baby!

pay for my ticket, id love to go over there

EAST > WEST :silly:


Just spell my name right
In Your Head
If you are riding surf, you want a studier pole. I have broken a couple stock poles and seen a ton of poles get torn off skis. Limiting ropes help. But the Oregon Surf can be brutal and unforgiving.

Come see for yourself at the Blowsion Surfslam. No east coast waves here baby!
I thought you said you were selling your wifes' ski in a thread earlier last week?
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