Custom/Hybrid X2 #2 Mach 6 build

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I'm glad this is coming along. I hope to see one a reality soon. Mine was coming along nicely, but I had to put it on hold to prep for Daytona. Now I need to get a ski built for Lisa. Hopefully I can have mine done soon. Cool that you are using a 951. Very interested. Hope it works out.

I don't watch PWCtoday very much. Just too much to keep up with. I hope you keep posting here, at least the pictures. I want to do a pump tunnel swap too. The 951 is awesome but I was planning on running everything Yamaha. I was thinking a GP800 or GP1200 motor for mine. Not sure. The 1200 might be more project than I can handle.

Actually this is running a 787, the 951 would have been way more work and weight, no real benefits to it that I can see. a built GP 800 engine would be very nice also

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Pics of the new brace - rear seal lip - battery box - bottle opener- etc, I have to add another piece on the bottom and one on the back to complete this then have it all welded up.

It doesn't get much better for a battery location than this !


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Well thank God I moved the build here because the other site died a horrible senseless death apparently, at any rate this build has been stalled for quite some time while I located some X2 braces , thanks to someone over at PWCT I now have a set in my possession so now I can build a new brace.

All this BS just to get back to a point in this build I was already at years ago , it sucks but sometimes you just have to suck it up and move forward even when it seems you are going in reverse.

I have them soaking now trying to get the adjustment bolts free, so far I have the top two sides broken free. at least it's Aluminum so I know with some heat applied they will come loose. This is going to be a fairly slow process. Aluminum stock has been ordered and I have a guy lined up to tig it all up for me so it will get there eventually.


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
No dice on getting these braces apart , I heated, beat on, soaked , reheated , you name it I did it, however I am nothing if not persistent, I was able to get the left hand threaded ends loose, which is good because you won't find any left hand threaded 10 x 1.25 aluminum bungs, as a matter of fact you won't find and 10 x 1.25 aluminum threaded bungs period.

I did however find some 3/8 threaded bungs with a .0625 diameter to fit inside the tubes, I will drill those out and retap them to 10mm.

I cut one of the left hand threaded bungs out of the tube , then I inserted it into a tube and cut the tube with the broken off bolt in it off of the mount., Then I pressed that ALL back together.

Now I have two mounts to work with , they will get all tigged up later, right now close is close enough.
This STX battery box fits a ytx20lbs battery which is what I always stock and buy for everything anyway.

I was able to find enough spare aluminum pieces to make the new upper mounts using straight sections of tubing from the stock braces, I also had a piece of aluminum channel that made the bottom of the battery tray, I used an STX 1100 battery box and drilled the plates for the mounting screws.

I am waiting on the Aluminum bungs to come in now so I can finish up the tubing. I would post pics but honestly you wouldn't be able to see anything as I am working with the engine and exhaust installed to make sure everything fits, I am not going ten steps forward and 9 steps back.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
So I told you if I just had something, anything really to work with I would make some progress, I finally said F it and stick welded the pieces together, someone can pretty them up with the tig later, right now it's go time !

That is as far as I can go with stick welding, everything else will pretty much have to be tigged up.

It's still in the rough phase but basically here is the brace, I have to get new wider aluminum for the wraparound pieces. one hurdle at a time . I also cut down a Seadoo PTO cover and made it fit while I was at it.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Rolling this into this thread because it belongs here :

Seadoo 787 - 951 to Kawasaki coupler tutorial​

one of the biggest holdups on finishing the 787 powered X2 has been the coupler ( besides me have way too many projects to finish ) , I followed the 951 X2 build intently and saw his solution which of course works just fine.

Here is what I have come up with for the 787 , it may get a bit more involved when I try to get everything bolted up but right now I am focusing on making the two couplers fit together.

I am installing a 951 in my 3D so I won't be using the PTO flywheel and coupler, on a 3D the coupler bolts onto the PTO just like on a 951 and it uses the same dampener , same bolt pattern and the same coupler as a 951 XP , the PTO for the 787 powered XP is totally different and of course won't work, that would be too simple.

In the photos you can see some slight differences in the way the couplers are made , but it looks to me that the 650-750 style driveshaft coupler can be modified to fit the 951 dampener , the couplers are also very close in diameter , with a minimal amount of lathe work the two will become the same diameter. I have a buddy that has a lathe I can probably get some time on.

I am modifying the leg on the 650 coupler with a die grinder to be straight like on the Seadoo coupler, I will also have to slightly enlarge the rounded part of the coupler , I am using a socket that fits the profile on the Seadoo coupler as a gauge on the Kawi coupler. The Kawi coupler is on the left the Seadoo is on the right , the dampeners are in the same order.


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
The two now are mated in an unholy union and it looks like it will work quite well, I am not totally happy with the machining on this one but I know what to do better next time and I figured I would mess up a few before getting it like I want it.

On the next one I will cut less and finish more of it with a sanding drum on the die grinder for a better fit and finish , I am sure this would work just like it is but it never costs any more to go first class.

There is plenty of meat on the Seadoo coupler to get it to the correct diameter as well as cut down the length a bit for better fitment .

I have ordered a set of sanding drums for the die grinder , they will be in Friday, we will continue this after they arrive.


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
As you can see there are some obvious length differences between the two couplers that have to be addressed as it will affect engine placement , I can go probably 4 inches forward by reversing the rear engine bedplate but that's a bit far , I can also slot the mounting holes on the bedplate by quite a bit which probably still won't be enough , I can cut the seadoo coupler down but that gets rid of the lip that keeps it all centered when you bolt it up or I can monkey around with the driveshaft , there is also the possibility of using a STX 1100 driveshaft with a ZXI 900 coupler , in the end it will most likely be a combination of slotting the holes and monkeying around with the driveshaft .

One interesting note : in messing around with all of this I found that the midshaft splines on a Yamaha 18mm driveshaft are exactly the same as Kawasaki impeller splines , it also looks like the shaft diameter is correct to seal on the Kawasaki thru hull bearing , not sure any of that helps at all here but I found it interesting nonetheless .

The front engine mount location hasn't been glassed into the hull yet so I can easily make changes to that location if needed .

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I know what you are thinking, is this build is never getting finished , well yes actually all of the current builds will at some point, right now I am cleaning out my garage and moving the 300SX, the X2 and the Superjet in there for the winter , the 300SX is pretty much done other than some more fiber glassing then final fairing , paint and turf .

The Superjet is where it is , it has a long , long way to go , my goal is to finish the 300 shortly then finish the Superjet by next Summer , I have pretty much all of the parts and I have a motor ready to go in it , same with the X2 the engine is sitting on go , both the X2 and the Superjet have massive amounts of bodywork to be done before I can worry about re-powering them , I would like to at least get the X2 in the water and tuned next Summer even if it's ugly.

Right now I am in the middle of working on two Toyota pickups , the head gasket is blown on the 97 and that one is going to take more than a minute , the backup 86 truck has been sitting for about 6 years , I started on it a last week and I have it running again , I will put a new set of crank and rod bearings in it sometime next week , the parts are sitting here on go , these 22R's are hard engines to kill.
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