X2 Motor Upgrade Advice

Hello everyone, first off I would like to thank any of you that has some advice for me. I have owned and rode my 91 X2 for the past four years now and I love it, but I believe it is time to give it a makeover and put some more motor in it. I have looked at alot of posts on here and I want something a little bigger then a 750 swap. So what would you guys advise me to use?(bored 750, 800)

Also, has anyone ever purchased or installed a PJS 850 from Jet Ski Haven? This is the motor I have thought about stuffing in my X2. Thanks again guys any input is greatly appreciated.

Winter X2

Winter X2
Harrisburg, PA
I have a bored 750 motor for sale. Just throwing that out there. I would recommend 750 or bigger though. I have a stock 750 motor in my green boat and if you ask anyone who has rode it will tell you it rips. Tons of fun that doesn't get old. Everybody on this site will tell you that, A good stock kawi 750 motor with 650 electronics, lightened flywheel and 46 minkuni carb....A good west coast exhaust manifold and a good chamber will make some really nice power. Good luck!! Let us know which way you go.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Not that they are bad engines but I would shy away from the Jet Ski Haven engines. To me they seem like a nightmare tryign to find replacement parts if something bad happens to them. I had a PJS engine once but it wasn't as plug and play friendly as a 750 engine so I never ran it. It was a Viper 7000 700cc, 70 hp engine.

If you want more, try an SXR 800 engine and perhaps get a big bore kit for it. Or you could use a 750 or 800 big pin bottom end and get one of the new DASA billet cylinder, power valve big bore kits. Just a thought! All depends on how much you want to $$$.

I have an SXR engine I plan on putting in my X2. I would love to have a DASA top end for it!


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
Stay away from PJS Motor's they are a thing of the past for a reason. I suggest riding some other x-2's that have been converted. Like DB said how much money do you wanna spend.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
yeah cause I want a PSI tripple 1500 cc two stroke sled engine in my X2!

I think you couldn't go wrong with a nice built 750 or 800. You could even got the Yamaha route if you wanted to.


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
When I win the lottery of course. But I don't know crap about sled engines only that 3 cylinders of 1500cc's two stroke brap can't be a bad thing.
HaHa Oh yeah you are thinking of this thread I had posted a while back, He has been riding a Superjet all summer, I think he has a pipe for it now I would expect it to be done by this coming summer. :woot:
, A good stock kawi 750 motor with 650 electronics, lightened flywheel and 46 minkuni carb.... Good luck!! Let us know which way you go.

WHen you say lightned flywheel, do you just mean 650 flywheels are lighter.. or do you get the 650 wheel lightned even more so... I mean unless you want to get total loss whats your option....


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
Just weighed mine:

Small Pin 750 stock flywheel 4lbs 5.7oz

X2 650 flywheel 3lbs 12.1oz

A difference of 9.6oz

Plus, #.0 will lighten your 650 flywheel and bring the weight down to around 3.2lbs. Giving a difference from stock 750 to lightened 650 of 19.7oz. Pretty huge in my book.


thanks darin...noswad!
What he said but don't waste your cash, get a real flywheel.


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Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
What he said but don't waste your cash, get a real flywheel.

I don't think having your flywheel lightened is a waste at all. #.0 does it for $60.

#.0 takes 10oz off for $60, so $6/oz

New Jetinetics is $560 and weighs 25oz less than stock, 25oz for $560 is $22.40/oz

Lightened stock flywheel is cheap performance gain.

However, yes, if you need everything possible out of an engine and money isn't an issue, you'd go aluminum charging flywheel, and if you didn't need it to charge, you'd have a total loss system for an even lighter flywheel and even more performance.


thanks darin...noswad!
I don't think having your flywheel lightened is a waste at all. #.0 does it for $60.

#.0 takes 10oz off for $60, so $6/oz

New Jetinetics is $560 and weighs 25oz less than stock, 25oz for $560 is $22.40/oz

Lightened stock flywheel is cheap performance gain.

However, yes, if you need everything possible out of an engine and money isn't an issue, you'd go aluminum charging flywheel, and if you didn't need it to charge, you'd have a total loss system for an even lighter flywheel and even more performance.
Sorry you don't get it, no comparison (200-250 used with steel hub). good luck on that mod. My advise run a stock 650 flywheel with________ amount of timing advance or step up to the purple.
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Awesome! Thanks alot guys you have given me some great insight. DB what electrics do you plan on running with the 800 motor? And pump? Also what exactly is a big pin bottom end?


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
Sorry you don't get it, no comparison (200-250 used with steel hub). good luck on that mod. My advise run a stock 650 flywheel with________ amount of timing advance or step up to the purple.

No, I get it. I know that every ounce you can remove from the rotating mass, the quicker it will rev. And, like I said, if you can justify it monetarily, do it. I can't right now, so I won't.

I have a TL system for my SJ. Flywheel weighs 1lb 11oz. Can't wait to rip it.

So far, the flywheels that he's done seem to be holding up fine. He doesn't remove much (if any) from the hub. I know others have cracked and failed because of too much lightening.

The difference from going from stock 750 flywheel to lightened 650 flywheel is almost as big as going from stock 650 flywheel to the purple. Still a big step and big improvement don't get me wrong. I just have other places I need to put that $200+ at this time and it seems the OP would too.
I'm going to be using a standard 650 flywheel, i have heard of a few that have been lightned here in aus that have developed cracks in them, which is of concern .. So i might just stick with the standard (allot lighter than the standard 750) and get a alloy purple down the track... also i dont know anyone here in aus who has experance in cutting weight off them, so not a whole lot of choices.
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