X2 Pump Nozzle Boring

Hi all,

I have a Yamaha fx1 that I just did the 650 x2 pump mod. I have a 9/17 with a R&D cone. It has the stock pump nozzle, 84mm I think. I would like to get a little more bottom end pull. I have read you cant bore the stock nozzle.
So my question is:

What nozzle do I need to get that will bolt up and can be bored are comes over sizes. I also want to keep my trim.

What mm does the nozzle need to be?

PM me if you have what I need please!



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I have a bored SXR nozzle that would work well for your setup. Bored to 82mm for bottom end punch. $75 shipped.


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I want to keep my trim. How many mm is the stock plastic one I have now?

thats just x2 trim you have right?? The sxr nozzle will be fine, providing your not running a mech bilge as the nozzle for the bilge will be vertical rather than horozontal (if you get what i mean) option 2 is get an x2 OP nozzle.. the plastic nozzle you currently have should have fins in it, most after market and later model nozzels didnt, the x2 standard nozzle is huge, bigger than a bored sxi or sxr- not sure if thats better or not- i have seen very bored nozzles that are to thin cracked BTW-
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X2 v2.0
Sin City USA
If you have the X2 nozzle and a 9/17 plus a pump core sleeve, and you want more low end, I suggest you get more motor, cause thats what its gonna take.
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