x2 won't start unless handelbars are turned to one direction

So i'm completely lost, this thing will not even engage starter relay if handelbars are in the straight position. I have to have the handelbars completely to the left or right in order for the starter to turn engine over, it fires right up and only runs when hadelbars are cocked to one direction. If I straighten them out it will die. I've tried this with the handlebar start switch completely removed so the wires aren't moving with the bars and it does the same thing. Tore apart handlebar start switch and cleaned it up, no exposed wiring in the start switch.

This is in the driveway with no hose, I've only ran it for 20-30 seconds in the driveway and have never had it in the water myself and don't know its history. At first it wouldn't start so I pulled carb off and apart and blew everything out with compressed air. Now it'll run great, but only with bars cocked to one direction. I've torn apart the cdi box, and starter relay box and both are very clean with newish looking connections. Battery is brand new as of yesterday.

I'm new to ski's, this is my first but I believe its a 90 650 and it appears to have a few upgrades: oil pump delete, 39mm keihin carb, ride plate... that's all I can see at this time.

Any help would be much appreciated as i'd like to get on the lake this Saturday.




The ski doesn't have a kill switch, the start/stop switch has a black lever on the bottom of it that rotates 360*, but when i took apart the start/stop switch i realized there was no wires going to the black lever. So my guess was that had to of been a kill switch in a previous life that was disco'd from the system.


throttle Linkage? See if the Carb butterfly moves when you cock the the Bars to the left or the right... if so you would just need to adjust the Idle....
So it turned out to be the lack of a gound on my cdi box. Somehow, when the bars locked it was creating enough metal to metal contact to send a ground current through the cdi box, even though its not touching, its close enough to arc some current, which explains why it would start quicker when they were cocked to the right. Grounded the box to the exhaust mani and im golden.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yeah it was bizarre, it felt like a ground issue to me so i first grounded starter relay box then tried cdi and she fired. Took it out for the first time today. These things are not easy to ride, fun as poop though. Took me a few minutes to figure out how to get going. She screams great at the top end but had trouble and sputtered when trying to take off. I need to adjust my slow air screw i think. good all around first ride though, im very happy with this thing and cant wait to get good at riding it.


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