Xeon and crew storm beach in Daytona


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Just got the text that more of the crew made it down there from the snowy north! Henry made it down on Friday, Xeon and 4 others today. Have fun ridin tomorrow, three more of us coming in on wed!!!
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Darsh and I just rolled in earlier tonight and a straggler should be here tonight at 2:30. Two more are flying down from Rochester and then there is a huge pack of about 15 coming from Syracuse.

Nick get your a$$ up here so we can drink some beer, o and ride a little.


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
yup were all riding tomm around noon in the intercoastal water!! I can't wait I almost took my ski to a river today cuz I wanna ride so bad


Torrent Pumps
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Pennellville, NY
There are 6 of us driving down, we are leaving Wed 3:00PM. Then 5 are getting on a plane Thursday AM and one more flying down on Friday. Yes NY presents is going to be strong.

Yahoo Can't wait.




Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
All right we are going to have to get a total NY tally going when we are down. It sounds like there is alot of NY representing! :party:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
U ALL SUCK AZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! I SHOULDA TOOK THE WEEK OFF!!!!!!! ITS LIKE FREAKN 80 down there today and will be freakn 53 Friday, WTF!!!! Yeah I am hatin!!!!!!!
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New York Crew
Western New York
NY Crew - my boys from Mobile should be in Friday afternoon. and My nephew Eric should be rollin up with the Wammer caravan some time Friday as well. Make sure ya'll connect up with them...


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
ill pass the word to xeon ..I'm pissed I can't get internet on my computer to upload pics but I have my phones internet. . . went out today xeons ski ran good and so did my ski until I cracked the hand pole :( FIBERGLASS and will look like ass!
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