XFT Foothold Question?


New Orleans
I have them already, they are still in the box. Installing them next week depending on the weather. I want them in for this OCEAN trip:
The New Orleans group was going to Destin on the 17th & 18th but a few guys sold out, so we moved it to GULF SHORES on the 24th & 25th. Looking for other stand ups going or that wanna go. We are renting a house and might do a big BBQ one night.


makin' legs
Love my XFT's. Will put them in everything else from now on.:fing02: Can still kneel in the tray to rest with no problem also.



Born in USA(not Kenya)
Lou, I am taking my 6mm lamey pv out of a stocker and putting it in an XFT surf version that I bought from Enzo. This engine RIPPED in the stock hull, I can't wait to ride the XFT with it. I'll let you know how it works out. The XFT is 40 lbs lighter than my stock. My engine has ALL the goodies...full specs, msd tl dual, fpp "b" mod, dominator flattops, protec 6mm billet. I am waiting for my h-pole to arrive on Tuesday, then I'll be done.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I feel sorry for you! My left shoulder is sore from spinning so fast and missing the attatude on br's. I have seen a Doc. and on pills for my lower back, I have to ask guest when they come over if my dog stinks! Ive lost 2 dozen sunglassess in the rivers. Yep your going have even more fun!


New Orleans
The XFT's look cool as crap but I'm too short. Waterdawg told me they hold the foot better b/c it fits the let in better so your not just lifting w the top of your foot. We will see... I want to have a nice foot hold for the 6mm pv stroker 84 bore w/ twin 49 F/S, that Randy @ Watcon is putting together for me this fall. I am dropping it in the ski I got from Taylor.
I wanna squeze the throttle hold on and see what happens.lol
My opinion: I am the same height as you, my mate has them, for god sake dont get them, they sit really far back and are uncomfortable. whenever i do a trik and my hands come off the bars, my feet come out of my holds but on those they get stuck and i have been close to breaking my ankles as the the ski drags you by your feet!
they are the sort of think that look like a good idea but are not.
all my opinion of course
they got some great products xft, but not a fan of the footholds


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
thats one thing i wanned to know about... once you get acustom to them.. does the fear go away or do you ride different and/or learn how to get out of them?

and mark.. when you fell,, was it in a way that if you were in non-inclosed holds whave have felt the same way?


I forgot!
you do get used to them after time, they do sit far back, i have yet to feel like my ankles were going to snap even on higher speed runs and spilling over the side. my feet have slipped out the back of them on good hookups when the ski really pulls. and i also have landed no handed jumps and tipped over the back and my feet did stay locked in. not a good situation if the throttle was to stick. i give them a 3.5 out of 5. other holds i have tryed are 24/7, rickters, and watercraft factory. i like the watercraft factory ones the best of the list. i would like to try waterdawgs out.
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