xft or wammer

havent seen anything bad about the new 24 7?
my mate bought 2 hoods off him, payed the money and hasnt heard from him since. he now has an empty wallet and no hoods. he has rang and emailed a thousand times
dont deal with them until they prove themselves

I was gonna say.............

This gut doesn't return calls period.

Speaking of which. Jeff you need to call Mike in Ohio about his SXR hood. He is getting irritated. Give him a call.


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at peace
WDK stands behind his as well. And he is not in some other country, OH wait yes he is he is in OR.

Ask Cracker and some others about warranty replacements.:bigok:

Disclaimer: I have no idea how quick the warranty replacement process of other manufacturers is.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
indeed 24-7 got a new owner, however i havent seen anyhting bad about the new guy thats worth not doing bussiness with him...

...Cant say that about waterdawg:stups:

do a search for the guys in England that have been waiting months for a hood......... to wait on something to be produced is one thing, to wait and have the owner not respond to emails or phone calls is something totally different.
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