Just finished my FVXI build. I picked these pieces up from Tony 2/8/20, so it's a better late than never build. I'm not a paint or stickers kind of guy, this layup is the closest I'll get to a "custom" finish. I don't compete , if I did, I wouldn't have built this boat the way I did. A lot of this build was about making this hull long term livable. I'm a bit of a weight weenie, I took lot's of weight pics, so here goes.

Any aluminum that had to stay I planned on fully encapsulating. The drive shaft tube is stainless, but the mid bearing mount and scoop grate insert were aluminum so I encapsulated it all.

I used a couple different grades of titanium in this build , for lines I used grade 9. Think flexible. .032 2.5" was used for the exhaust, calcd out to 18 grams per inch, the aluminum tube I removed was 22.4 grams per inch. With the 1945 PSI burst pressure I don't think I'll have any problems.

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Bonding in the exhaust tube. I fully faired it so ALL the water would go out the pump box scupper. While I was at it I also did the other scupper. I didn't want any dead areas for sediment build up.

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