XL1200 running bad

This is an issue that was never fixed since last summer.

Ski sat around for a year or more and when finally run, it would bog on hard turns. Didnt really have the time or money to deal with it.

So a few weeks ago I pulled the carbs and had Paul from Lehrperformance clean them up. He said they didnt look bad and cleaned them up and didnt replace anything as it all looked good. He told me he set all the screws back to their orginal settings.

I also drained all the gas and put in fresh 50:1 premix

Put the carbs on and tested today. Basically same thing. A couple high speed runs and then it bogs, and has no power.

Changed spark plugs
Pulled the fuel pickup and everything was good.
Vent valve on top of tank seems to be working. You can blow into the tank but not backwards.
Dumped fuel filter.
Checked for exhaust leaks

I got stuck in the middle of the lake and had to use starter fluid to get it started so I think this is a fuel problem.

The fuel going into the filter is solid with no bubbles but coming out to the carbs, it has bubbles in it. There doesnt seem to be any visible cracks in the filter.

I lost a nut and only have the carbs on with 5 nuts instead of 6 but I doubt that is the issue as this is the same problem I had before I took them off.
knowing judd, there's a set of lego's, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some sand, a couple of pairs of old underwear and a gumby doll in the engine compartment
no cat that I know of, no over temp sensor.

I think it is an 01 or 02.

Ski originally was an XL700 and the shop we bought it from changed it to a 1200. That was a long time ago so the problem is not related to the conversion.
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