Xmetal 164mm pump.

Anyone have experience with fitting one of these? Just curious as there are no front mounting feet. Xmetal mention that... "Our custom pump utilizes an aluminum ring that’s bolted/epoxied onto the hull with a silicone o-ring to hold it in place."

I've been tasked with building a ski utilising one of these pumps and it has not come with the ring mentioned. Obviously I could get it and likely I will, just curious as to anyone elses methods/experiences with fitting them.



Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
You should be able to get the adapter and oring from xscream. My guess is most people that have used em have used them on a DVX so mounting wasnt an issue. My DVX came with the adapter and it quickly converted back to a regular pump seal for 155, so if your hull takes a 155 shouldnt be much of an issue.
Good info, thanks guys. Anyone else got anything to add? Anyone have some pics of the adapter? Does it just bolt into the regular front mount holes in the hull?
If you look closely you can see the metal ring with small set bolts that thread into the pump shoe.


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Thanks again for the info guys. So I take it the largest OD at the front of the pump sits in/locates in this ring and there is an o-ring that sits on the thin lip at the front of the pump (where a traditional pump packing/seal would sit on a smaller pump) that seals on the inner face of the adapter...

Has anyone run one for a decent period of time? Just wondering about driveshaft spline, midshaft spline wear as there is nothing positively bolting the front of the pump down to hold alignment...I can see how there is potential to break exit nozzles.
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