Super Jet Xmetal steering help

Save youself the headache, trash it and install the RRP AST system. Florida crew have done it and I'm sure plenty others have. I have 3 years on mine and havent even touched it since it was put on.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
I tried the red loctite deal. Mine came loose.

Now I use a UMI bearing setup on an xmetal turnplate and xmetal adjustable pole. I also drilled through the UMI stem and put a stainless cotter pin to stop the nut from backing off.


Site Supporter
Savannah, GA
Get a 3/8" stainless bolt long enought to stick through the bottom of steering bearing setup by at least 1/2". Then install a 3/8" nyloc nut on the bottom as a jam nut against the XMW aluminum base nut and tighten. Also use red Loctite. It was the only way I got mine from coming loose.
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