Xscream B-pipe Mod

Anyone know what exactly they do to the stinger on the B-pipe? Do they actually increase the outlet size or is it a sleeve welded over top of it? If so, what would be the benefit of doing this? Worth the extra cost?
So it's just a sleeve that the water is injected into vs directly into the exhaust's path? Doesn't seem like much of a change really... Anyone have this done and actually notice a difference?


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I had that stinger mod done on my first bpipe. Xmetal did not do the mod, but was exact same mod. Didn't make much if a diff. It may help if you've got a balls to the wall setup and the bpipe is stretched to its limits. It's one of those small mods that add up to a greater sum when the whole package is followed.


Sionis Industries
I have one,( not this one pictured but here is the inside look ) The outlet size of the pipe itself is the same, it is a sleeve welded over the exisiting stinger. I have not gained nor noticed any power difference. I spoke to art at jetworks about it. He said there was no benefit to the mod and that running a flow control valve would yield better performace if set up accordingly. Polaris/FPP did this sleeve back in the day on their octane chambers. The couplers do stay cooler with the inside stinger able to run a bit hotter, But have not seen one melt. I think since the FPP pipes are not offered at a discount to any of the various vendors. The vendors like xmetal and wamiltons port or mod the stinger in some fashion and up their price to make a profit.


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