I have mentioned this before. I don't know what grade of stainless the ADA studs are, but they are fairly magnetic, which likely allows the strength to torque them, so keep that in mind.
Those studs take all of the loading that the cylinders normaly take and then some. I would bet that it isn't off the shelf hardware that ADA just orders and bulk and throws in a bag.
but it does have the system where the bolts go into the bottom of the cylinder
and then it goes down from the head into the bolts is that right
I prefer this system
yes, its the 6 male/female pieces that hold the cylinder down and then the 6 long bolts that go down through the head and thread into the pieces that hold the cylinder down..... and the 12 washers that go with them.
Yes, the ADA ones do pick up a little surface corrosion over time. Mine are about four years old and have just recently begun to get some some slight surface oxidation, but nothing that can't be polished out. No real rust (reddish color) though.
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