year old gass


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
so as summer is approaching, i was wondering if i can still use this 110LL premix that has been sitting for 9 months?

i know gas goes bad and gets thick, but whats the life cycle on the different gasses, and does it matter 2stroke has been sitting in their also?

planing my 1st ride easter :biggthumpup:


I'm lost
I have been told that 100LL does not degrade nearly as quick as pump gas does. I don't know if that is true. I think it would be fine if you shook it up really well to get the oil mixed again if it separated. I used to run av gas in my dirt bike. Gas that was a couple months old ran fine, but 9 months might be stretching it.

gas has enough stabilizers in it to last about 2 years assuming it has been kept in a sealed container and out of direct sunlight.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
run the ski first with some fresh gas.

mix the old gas in 50/50 or so.

that will probably work fine.

run it all out though, DO NOT let any of that old gas sit in your boat, it willcause you headaches.

if it doesnt smell 'right', burn it in your lawnmower, or your car. or a bonfire.
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Get some fresh fuel (same stuff) and do a quick sniff comparison. If there is a notable difference in smell then you should dump the nine-month old stuff.

I think it will be fine to run though, although it may have lost some of the volatiles, especially if it was stored in a plastic container this whole time. It will likely just make less power.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
I use old gas to top off the car, clean grease off of things, or to get glue out of the tray... And once it starts to stink then it becomes fighter starter/exciter...


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Here's something interesting: I clean my glass roller (like a metal paint brush roller) by dipping it in gas and lighting it.
I keep the dipping bowl on my garage bench with some gas in it. It will light great fresh from the gas can. After about 2-3 days, it will not light anymore. AT ALL.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I have personally NEVER seen gas that was stored in a container ( metal, plastic gas tank of a vehicle or otherwise) that would NOT burn.

it will run bad, gum the carb up, smell terrible, and not make good power at all.
but it has always burned in my experience.

IM not so worried about using old gas as much as letting it sit in something wwhere it can gum stuff up.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I am not going to run gas in my car that I wouldn't run in my $4500 ski.

The car gets me to work and costs 5 times more than my ski.



Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
run it through your mower, your cheapest engine, and it will probably never know the difference.
Cut it with new gas and spread it out over several lawn mowings and the mower will be fine!!!


User Title Unavailable
was it mixed with oil? Typically pump gases last about 3-4 months straight and when mixed with oil its about a year. The pump gases degrade pretty quickly though compared to others. Not sure if its similar or worse for high octane.
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