Yep..SXR's can flat water roll as well! *Vid*


Random Performance
Just hunting around for a new helmet cam setup and thought I'd see if the Elmo had come down in price...

Check out the new vid here...Jet Ski Freestyle

The cleanest birds eye view of an SXR roll I've ever seen! Sure, the guy riding is probably about 30kg ringin wet, but it's a pretty good effort if you ask me!


Random Performance
Heh...nah, I can only just do a half tard flat water roll on my Superjet!

Yeah, unfortunately the Elmo's are about $1100 Oz dollars, which is pretty steep I think. When you think about it though, a decent camcorder and external camera run about the same price.

I have a mate that has one, I'll see if I can grab some footage off him.
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