Other vid of new gen. rock crawlers (rock bouncers)

It progressed there years ago dude, your talking about 2 different things here, TC is a Rec. wheeler, he has a Rec. buggy. Showtime and the Fat girl would do terrible in competition they weren't built for it. You may follow crawling but it must be a new hobby for you cause all of this is old news. Im not really hating here all were saying is to looks way crazier when he does it, think of it as amplitude. you can backflip with a 701, but doin with a 1200 under the hood is gonna make it look way more nuts.

You cant crawl up that. It wont happen. Thats the east coast, there is no grip, its all wheel speed. he has 4 wheel steering. Its way steeper than it looks. You, me, and anyone on this site could not even see straight in that rig on those trails. It would be like me thinking im good on my stock sj, and going to wf as a pro. Not even on the same continent. This dude did not just buy a buggy. He came from wheeling. This is what it progresses to. Thats an old video. Its progressing into 1 man moon buggies rear engine.

It boggles my mind that people think that is easy, and that they could do it
This is rediculous. I follow all aspects of wheeling. Its my business and how I make money, to play on jet skis. This started because people said they could do it on 35s, you yourself said you could do it with your old rig. I was calling bull:):):):) when I see it. Im not talking from past exp, im talking from past and CURRENT exp, like I said. Ive actually been to races, king of hammers, built many rigs, wheeled for years, and shook hands with big time builders and racers. I know and recognize talent, and wasnt gonna let ppl hate on a dude that actually wheels
I have no hate for Tim, but to say he's one of the best drivers in the world is ridiculous. Your not the only one on this site to build a hammer's rig so step down from your pedestal
I havent built a rig for King of Hammers lol. I hope it didnt sound like I was implying that. I dont have 75 - 250k, even though like I said a built toyota truck did it this year. Tim camerons name was mentioned, and talked about at king of hammers, this year, and all others. It is the biggest known race in the us for our sport. His name is known amongst every real wheeler. How can he not be one of the greatest? Its not youtube either. If I may ask who would you say are the top 3 drivers, or rock crawlers. not going by koh standings this yr?

Im not gonna keep saying the same things, the dude can drive, and no rig with ANY part that came on a jeep, is doing what his rig does.
I live in red bluff, so no I dont work at trail gear. Those are cool pics. 2 of those rigs aint yo avg jeep. I will say that.

You a member at all on the marlin board or pirate? Sorry if I came off like an ass, but damn, been tons of hating on this site lately, and then it just had to ump to wheeling

edit, does that toy on tons have a 3.4 swap?? it looks super familiar
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I havent built a rig for King of Hammers lol. I hope it didnt sound like I was implying that. I dont have 75 - 250k, even though like I said a built toyota truck did it this year. Tim camerons name was mentioned, and talked about at king of hammers, this year, and all others. It is the biggest known race in the us for our sport. His name is known amongst every real wheeler. How can he not be one of the greatest? Its not youtube either. If I may ask who would you say are the top 3 drivers, or rock crawlers. not going by koh standings this yr?

Im not gonna keep saying the same things, the dude can drive, and no rig with ANY part that came on a jeep, is doing what his rig does.
Its tough to say, there's alot of talented drivers out there, but Shannon Campbell is in a class of his own! The guy is crazy
tons, and a 4.3 on 49's, buggy is an oldie but my buddy still has it, was on the cover of crawl way back when. The jeep was mine 4.0 nv 4500, stak 300, on tons with stickies... its all good man you never know who you are going to run into. I'm still on pirate from time to time but no wheeler right now when I lost my job and my wife went back to school the $$$ toys had to go. Hopefully I'll get another build going soon I miss cranking out late nights with the welder.

I live in red bluff, so no I dont work at trail gear. Those are cool pics. 2 of those rigs aint yo avg jeep. I will say that.

You a member at all on the marlin board or pirate? Sorry if I came off like an ass, but damn, been tons of hating on this site lately, and then it just had to ump to wheeling

edit, does that toy on tons have a 3.4 swap?? it looks super familiar
no matter what, that machine is impressive and its gotta take a lot to drive like that period! not to mention how cool it is that your spectators pretty much need to wear full motocross gear to standby and watch!!!!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
That dude has been wheeling for yrs, man, he didnt just jump into buggies. Respect is due when its due, and this dude has skill

he is known world wide by everyone into wheeling. King of hammers anyone? Guess not since its just a ski site, my bad.

Oh no my friend its so much more, its a Mountain biking site, its a computer help site and its a dirt bike site as proof I submit the following, enjoy ! :laugh2:

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-tim cameron isnt one of the best drivers in the world, give me that rig for a few weeks or so and i could be comparable.
that being said. hes still a good driver with some badass rigs no doubt. not bashing at all.

-thats all they have to wheel on way back east.

-no, your jeep on 35's wont make it up any of that SLICK ass stuff.. stop being stupid. i have a 4runner on tons,vortec, and 44's. no, i probably wouldnt make it up any of that either. you needs alot of wheel spin with huge fresh tires.

-a pos trail yota completed the king of the hammers. it came in HOURS late. big whoop, who cares? to be completely honest. its not THAT amazing. it putted through everything. it didnt do anything gnarly. yes, i was there.

-sparkplug thinks he was the only one on this site that had any kind of knowledge of wheeling and found out he wasnt.

on a side note, ben that yota truggy on the 49's is sick. i remember seeing a build thread on that on pirate awhile ago i think.
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