My New Jetworks Stroker Superjet Rocks..

just got my first round nose and this thing is hot.. im still amazed at how hard this motor hits and never stops.its the best ski ive ever owned.and switching from kawasaki last year to this :bigeyes: after riding trickys lamey stroker last year at riot fall ride and riding crammits ada 6 mil stroker. i knew i had to get one. the smell of race gas and bean oil. doresnt get much better. i put together a year long plan to get one .big thanks to crammit and freeride 05 for building this thing .its really hard to believe that art build a 4 mil stroker that runs this hard.any one ever want to try it feel free to hit me up im usually at lanier.trying to go to daytona just depends on how the funds are im still trying to recover after this. the only thing left to do is install cg racings chin pad,adjust timing for straight race gas and install r&d dominator manifold. this motor can be bought through cg racing or jetworks 2200 comes with an ada head crank pistions ect just supply cylinder and 62t cases .mines done using 760 cylinder but 61x works great too.:biggthumpup:

. heres the stats on the ski.
ada head
4 mil stroker crank
using oem cylinders
ported cases
msd total loss
dual 46 blackjack
jetworks water injection
jetworks flow control valve
factory b pipe
v force reeds
xmetal pole
wammilton hood and nose piece
internal blowsion fuel filler
new gas tank for bling
orange metal flake paint job
worx 201 intake
mag pump
motor painted
reinforced hull
wammiltons scupper


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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Mark scored here, this boat is clean as a pin and hits like Mike Tyson, I had the pleasure of riding it this w/e. Thanks Mark, great hangin w/ you this w/e too bro.


Looks like you have all the bells and whistles around that long block :biggthumpup:


Mark scored here, this boat is clean as a pin and hits like Mike Tyson, I had the pleasure of riding it this w/e. Thanks Mark, great hangin w/ you this w/e too bro.

I also was able to ride it on Saturday, it is SWEET, the power rolls on real nice and keeps pulling. I hit a cruiser wake and blipped the throttle and it felt like lift off. Oh yea, the ski looks killer too. Thanks for the test ride:Banane01:

CG Racing

Beautiful Mark!!!:biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: Congrats!!

I am building a 4mm right now as a matter of fact, for a customer of mine, Can't wait to finish it. It will be at daytona also!!


Winter Sux
What is the yellow wire running up the front of the engine?

Not trying to bash, it just looks kinda out of place.

BTW beautiful ski :headbang:


What is the yellow wire running up the front of the engine?

Not trying to bash, it just looks kinda out of place.

BTW beautiful ski :headbang:
That's the water injection pickup sensor. It wraps around the plug wire to inductively pick up when the cylinder is firing.

BTW. Great ski. Congrats Mark.
Looks Sweet!!!!!
Glasd to see you made the most out of that total Loss Ignition!


I wish I thought of that
Ruston, LA
just got my first round nose and this thing is hot.. im still amazed at how hard this motor hits and never stops.its the best ski ive ever owned.and switching from kawasaki last year to this :bigeyes: after riding trickys lamey stroker last year at riot fall ride and riding crammits ada 6 mil stroker. i knew i had to get one. the smell of race gas and bean oil. doresnt get much better. i put together a year long plan to get one .big thanks to crammit and freeride 05 for building this thing .its really hard to believe that art build a 4 mil stroker that runs this hard.any one ever want to try it feel free to hit me up im usually at lanier.trying to go to daytona just depends on how the funds are im still trying to recover after this. the only thing left to do is install cg racings chin pad,adjust timing for straight race gas and install r&d dominator manifold. this motor can be bought through cg racing or jetworks 2200 comes with an ada head crank pistions ect just supply cylinder and 62t cases .mines done using 760 cylinder but 61x works great too.:biggthumpup:

. heres the stats on the ski.
ada head
4 mil stroker crank
using oem cylinders
ported cases
msd total loss
dual 46 blackjack
jetworks water injection
jetworks flow control valve
factory b pipe
v force reeds
xmetal pole
wammilton hood and nose piece
internal blowsion fuel filler
new gas tank for bling
orange metal flake paint job
worx 201 intake
mag pump
motor painted
reinforced hull
wammiltons scupper

MAN!!! I was freakin there this weekend but i didint want to randomly go up to u and ask to ride. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

beautiful ski. from watchin other people ride, it looked pretty killer.
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