Daytona Raffle Comments/Suggestions

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Limerick, PA
Whether your were there or not it might benefit you to read this:

I was not pleased with the way the raffle was handled. I debated whether or not I should post anything about it, and I have decided to voice my thoughts. I know some people may get upset or think I'm just mad because I didn't win anything.... thats not it. This wont change anything, but hopefully the future raffles at events can be handled better.

I went to daytona planning to purchase X amount of tickets for the general raffel. When I got there and saw all the stuff on the tables that wasn't posted online, I decided to purchase more tickets. I also called friends back home and purchased tickets for others because of all the stuff I told them was there. I even told my girl friend some of the stuff and she asked for some.

For those who were not at the raffel here is why I am upset. Not everything was raffled, lots were just thrown in to the crowd. Numbers were not checked for many of the prizes accepted. I had a number called for an item and did not get it. I was standing 15 feet from the speaker and clearly hear my number repeated twice. To get your item once it was called it was a mess. There was no order. At one point for one the started calling just the last 3 numbers and said first one to the booth gets it... That only lasted for one item do too crowd booing, but still....

The reason my girlfriend wanted tickets was for some certain things i told her there were over the phone. When things like the fuel socks were thrown out they there was no chance a guy getting a pair.

I know this was a fund raiser and the guys volunteered there time to do this. And to that I say thanks, but there has to be a certain amount of responsibility assumed when doing this. There should have been some thought into how to handle the raffel. I could clearly see there wasn't. I don't think the guys doing it should have been drinking alcohol and acting stupid, as acting like lighting the xmetal waterbox as a bong, I don't think thats the greatest thing to do in front of a whole crowd at one of the biggest exposures of our sport. I also didn't like th fact that they started doing "combos" to make the raffel go faster.

I saw people yell to the throwers and say give one to "Kelly" just an example. Stuff was thrown to there friends and those they knew if they called out, I saw this multiple times. One guy got a carb rebuild kit and walked up and said "hey I need another one of those" so he handed him one... WTF! Sure I needed them too but i didn't just ask for one.

Thrown to the crowd were:
Lots of t-shirts
Some Hats
All the fuel socks (8-12 pair???)
All the carb rebuild kits (6 or so??)
All the oil block off kits (4 or so??)
I believe all the Addiction DVD's (6 or so???)
All the Wammer freestyle DVD's (4 or so???)
All the klots oil (9 bottles)
Hydroturf Key Chains (20ish??)
Lots of miscellaneous stickers and stuff....

Almost thrown into the crowd:
Blowsion finger throttle
I cant remember others... but there were

It might not seem like much, but it is to me thats the reason I bought tickets.

When I walked up to pick up a sticker off the ground infront of the "stage" I was handed a bottle of klotz, I did take it....

And you know I don't even want anything to do with it, I will bring it to the next free ride and it can be raffled like it was supposed to be!

I thought the WF hood was to be in the raffel... I see that was my fault thought.. I cant find any post on that now....

The solutions is simple:

1) Take a half hour of time and type a list of the items to be raffled. (Hell ill do it)
2) Raffle all the items.
3) One person could write the ticket numbers next the the items as there pulled.
4) Make a simple receiving line to get your prizes.

All I guess that adds up to is I feel I payed to have a chance of winning some things, I would have been happy walking away winning nothing thats not the problem. But when I pay money and you rob me of any chance, well that just pisses me off... I have a feeling I'm not the only one either....

Im not going to argue over this, nothing can be done now. However if you feel I am seeing this the wrong way, let me know. I want this to be thought of, considered, and discussed so I and others will want to participate in another FreeRide raffel!

On a side note, thats awesome how much money this thing raised! Way to go everyone!!!

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On a positive note something I thought was really cool about the raffle was that the smaller companies like:

Team Scream
Lehr Performance

donated the most stuff and by far the most expensive stuff. I don't mean to call them small because they are huge when it comes to our group, but they are a lot smaller than companies like Riva and Wamiltons who didn't quite give as much. Don't get me wrong I'd like to send out a huge thanks to them also, but the smaller companies like the ones mentioned above really out did them.

On the contrary Blowsion did step up in a huge way and gave out some serious high dollar parts. Thanks Blowsion.:biggthumpup:

Once again thanks to all of the companies that donated, but I'd like to send out a huge thanks to

Chucky, Paul, Kevin, Jeff, Steve, and Pat.

I know I'm not anyone big in this sport and I'm just the Average Joe rider, but your contributions did not go unnoticed.:arms: :cheer: :woot: :biggthumpup:
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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Just figure out what time the raffle would have finished if every single item was raffled!! Last year it kind of dragged a bit, so things were changed this year, and much for the better in my opinion. I personally didn't buy a ticket for the primary purpose of winning anything, I just wanted to donate some money to a good cause and help show how responsible freeriders can be. The T-shirt and hat that I won was just a bonus.

Nobody will ever be happy, but please try to remember that this event was staged by a bunch of people who donated their time for nothing. They did an awesome job, and really don't need to hear people whining about stuff like this. I'm quite sure they'd love your help to run things smoother next year if you really feel that strongly about it and have so many great ideas.


Warsaw, IN
I liked the way they did things.

There is so much stuff donated that it would take forever to raffle every item off as one. At Lanier they did that, and it took a long time and when they are calling out the number for the 20th pair of socks it was old and people were losing interest.

It should be a fun thing where people can win some prizes, be entertained, and help a good cause. It had all that stuff and I thought it turned out great. I'd rather it not have be like a bunch of old folks playing bingo trying to make fifty bucks.

Nice job slutty and crew.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I actually helped with the raffle for a while and you have to realize, we had soo much stuff to raffle, if we had raffled off every single keychain or video or whatever, we would have been there for well over an extra hour.

We did try to do a line to get stuff, but as fast as we had to go to get through everything, people just didn't listen and would come in from every direction no matter what we said.

I'm sorry you feel cheated or whatever, we tried and learned. You can't expect things to be perfect when the event grew by 2-3 times the size of last year.

Changes will need to be made, but it's hard to anticipate what conditions will be like.


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
Just figure out what time the raffle would have finished if every single item was raffled!! Last year it kind of dragged a bit, so things were changed this year, and much for the better in my opinion. I personally didn't buy a ticket for the primary purpose of winning anything, I just wanted to donate some money to a good cause and help show how responsible freeriders can be. The T-shirt and hat that I won was just a bonus.

Nobody will ever be happy, but please try to remember that this event was staged by a bunch of people who donated their time for nothing. They did an awesome job, and really don't need to hear people whining about stuff like this. I'm quite sure they'd love your help to run things smoother next year if you really feel that strongly about it and have so many great ideas.

I liked the way they did things.

There is so much stuff donated that it would take forever to raffle every item off as one. At Lanier they did that, and it took a long time and when they are calling out the number for the 20th pair of socks it was old and people were losing interest.

It should be a fun thing where people can win some prizes, be entertained, and help a good cause. It had all that stuff and I thought it turned out great. I'd rather it not have be like a bunch of old folks playing bingo trying to make fifty bucks.

Nice job slutty and crew.

werd...x3!:biggrin: ...IMHO, It's a charity raffle...try not to lose sight of that fact. We couldn't and hopefully wouldn't want to raffle off all 50 or whatever amount of Hydroturf keychains as an example. Anything won is BONUS suprise and icing on the cake in my mind. Sorry the way it was handled didn't work for you.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Don't forget we had 20 Hydroturf gift certificates, 4 from Jazz, 10 wetsuits, numerous hats and t-shirts, numerous dvd's, even little items like a UMI Tuff Thrust bushing kit that we did call a number for.
I bought the raffle tickets because of the cause and where the money was going. When I bought my tickets I never though, expected or planned to win anything. The countless things that were thrown into the crowd added to the cool factor.

I'm sorry but when you said "It might not seem like much, but it is to me thats the reason I bought tickets." you sound a little selfish.

Also note that if they raffeled the WF hood and other "auction" items, we would not have raised as much money as they did. I'm all for doing "auctions" on the big ticket items.
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The Good Old Days
If they raffled off every pair of socks and key chains the raffle would have gone way to long.
The extra hour standing there could have put us Florida boys and girls into hypothermia, it was FREEZING.


1974 YZ 701
I thought it was done very well !! when I saw them throwing things out it brought a big smile to my face !! I thought it was a great idea to keep it moving !! The way I look at it was a very big raffle and a bunch of guys and gals were doing their best while having a good time ! Out of 250-300 people even if 30 or so didn't like it... That's great percentages !!!
Great job guys !!!!!
By the way, Teresa and I didn't win anything but enjoyed it just the same as we did !! I was ready to catch that hood... darn


lone wolf
im pretty sure the tickets are only meant to be sold to people who are in attendance anyways.isnt the whole idea to get people to come out?
I was at Lanier last year and that was crazy also. It will get better in time like Darin said they learned from what they done.

But as a suggestion on how to raffel all the stuff off. My wife and friends put on a charity golf outing every year and they have more give away stuff than you care to think about everything from season tickets to the Rams to golf t's.

Anyhow 1 hour before the raffel starts they pull numbers and tape them to the smaller items. And when the raffel starts and they are calling numbers for the larger items people walk around and check their numbers aginst the tickets stuck on the items. While they eat and drink. At the end when they hand out the last large item they start throwing the other unclaimed stuff out into the croud. Because if it is left then you were too drunk to get it or didn't want it.


Whether your were there or not it might benefit you to read this:

I was not pleased with the way the raffle was handled. I debated whether or not I should post anything about it, and I have decided to voice my thoughts. I know some people may get upset or think I'm just mad because I didn't win anything.... thats not it. This wont change anything, but hopefully the future raffles at events can be handled better.

I went to daytona planning to purchase X amount of tickets for the general raffel. When I got there and saw all the stuff on the tables that wasn't posted online, I decided to purchase more tickets. I also called friends back home and purchased tickets for others because of all the stuff I told them was there. I even told my girl friend some of the stuff and she asked for some.

For those who were not at the raffel here is why I am upset. Not everything was raffled, lots were just thrown in to the crowd. Numbers were not checked for many of the prizes accepted. I had a number called for an item and did not get it. I was standing 15 feet from the speaker and clearly hear my number repeated twice. To get your item once it was called it was a mess. There was no order. At one point for one the started calling just the last 3 numbers and said first one to the booth gets it... That only lasted for one item do too crowd booing, but still....

The reason my girlfriend wanted tickets was for some certain things i told her there were over the phone. When things like the fuel socks were thrown out they there was no chance a guy getting a pair.

I know this was a fund raiser and the guys volunteered there time to do this. And to that I say thanks, but there has to be a certain amount of responsibility assumed when doing this. There should have been some thought into how to handle the raffel. I could clearly see there wasn't. I don't think the guys doing it should have been drinking alcohol and acting stupid, as acting like lighting the xmetal waterbox as a bong, I don't think thats the greatest thing to do in front of a whole crowd at one of the biggest exposures of our sport. I also didn't like th fact that they started doing "combos" to make the raffel go faster.

I saw people yell to the throwers and say give one to "Kelly" just an example. Stuff was thrown to there friends and those they knew if they called out, I saw this multiple times. One guy got a carb rebuild kit and walked up and said "hey I need another one of those" so he handed him one... WTF! Sure I needed them too but i didn't just ask for one.

Thrown to the crowd were:
Lots of t-shirts
Some Hats
All the fuel socks (8-12 pair???)
All the carb rebuild kits (6 or so??)
All the oil block off kits (4 or so??)
I believe all the Addiction DVD's (6 or so???)
All the Wammer freestyle DVD's (4 or so???)
All the klots oil (9 bottles)
Hydroturf Key Chains (20ish??)
Lots of miscellaneous stickers and stuff....

Almost thrown into the crowd:
Blowsion finger throttle
I cant remember others... but there were

It might not seem like much, but it is to me thats the reason I bought tickets.

When I walked up to pick up a sticker off the ground infront of the "stage" I was handed a bottle of klotz, I did take it....

And you know I don't even want anything to do with it, I will bring it to the next free ride and it can be raffled like it was supposed to be!

I thought the WF hood was to be in the raffel... I see that was my fault thought.. I cant find any post on that now....

The solutions is simple:
1) Take a half hour of time and type a list of the items to be raffled. (Hell ill do it)
2) Raffle all the items.
3) One person could write the ticket numbers next the the items as there pulled.
4) Make a simple receiving line to get your prizes.

All I guess that adds up to is I feel I payed to have a chance of winning some things, I would have been happy walking away winning nothing thats not the problem. But when I pay money and you rob me of any chance, well that just pisses me off... I have a feeling I'm not the only one either....

Im not going to argue over this, nothing can be done now. However if you feel I am seeing this the wrong way, let me know. I want this to be thought of, considered, and discussed so I and others will want to participate in another FreeRide raffel!

On a side note, thats awesome how much money this thing raised! Way to go everyone!!!


Thanks for your input, I will definately consider other methods to speed it up next time. Please PM me if you have any solutions. I'm sorry you feel slighted, but we tried to do it as fair and speedy as possible. Hope you come back next year and win something big.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Hey... it's all fun and games. I didn't expect to win anything with this many peeps... Good time though. I drank at least 8 beers during the raffle!


Katie's Boss
100% one place
i feel the same way, but i think my version of this thought would have much nicer words. :biggthumpup:

The Lanier raffle was about the same, I wouldn’t want to stand there for hours waiting for a raffle to be over. I like when they just throw stuff out to the crowd to speed things up so we could get to partying.

Yes nicer words damn........:bigeyes:



So long and thanks for all the fish
c'mon guys.. you know pete just wears his heart on his sleeve.. read between the lines.. you guys should know him better than that by now.

read his post, divide the tone by half, subtract 12 from the tone total, and thats what he really meant to say.



It's hard when you pour your heart and soul into these events to read negative comments because we really tried. For someone to say no thought went into it is way offbase though.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I thought it went well except for the part where the crazy woman behind me tried to rip my hands off when I caught a DVD nick tossed, I let her have the movie. I wouldn't change anything about it other than making the speaker louder or higher off the ground.
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