Recent content by blastertrx

  1. blastertrx

    Tigercraft M1 motor mounts

    JM, I just built a SV Pro and Tony told me to use the stock superjet mounts. I installed six of them
  2. blastertrx

    Tigercraft M1 motor mounts

    set-up for stock superjet mounts
  3. blastertrx

    Add Some Blaster Bling

  4. blastertrx

    Keeping B-pipe Adjuster Screws turning freely

    What brand or type of Anti-Seize is everyone using for their B-Pipe Adjuster Screws?
  5. blastertrx

    760 in a B1

    I started with this and worked my way down. I cant recall the final jetting. Its pretty much same jetting range of a 701 with a b-pipe. 140-150 mains 80-90 pilots. 2.0 N&S
  6. blastertrx

    760 in a B1

    I put a 760 B2 motor in my B1 after i blew up the 1100 that I had in it. The 760 has more top end than a 701. I ride surf and installed a b-pipe on the 760. I love this set-up this is what should have come in the B1. I added dual 38's instead of the 44s.
  7. blastertrx

    Carburetor (specs) Database: SuperJet and Blaster 1

    What flame arrestor are you using for these specs?
  8. blastertrx

    Need help with Bilge Pump

    I run one auto and one manual. I would replace your hoodseal every couple of years. Buy the bracket that allows you to mount two pumps. You can also epoxy them to the hull under the midshaft.
  9. blastertrx

    Bilge Wiring instructions NEEDED

    Thanks OCD. Great product, AWESOME Follow-up
  10. blastertrx

    Bilge Wiring instructions NEEDED

    I have an OCD tidy bilge with a three way rotary switch. I need the wiring instructions so that I can run one pump on auto and one pump on manual. I cant seem to find OCD solutions Wiring Schematics. Thanks
  11. blastertrx

    yamaha 760 jetting NEEDED

    Siphon flaps are okay. Jetting is getting close. Right now it has issues when leaned and or turning to the left. deep water starts with me in the water it wont pull up and out of the water.
  12. blastertrx

    yamaha 760 jetting NEEDED

    HELP!! Yamaha Jetting Experts- I am running a stock Yam 760 motor with a b-pipe dual carbed with stock 44's in a waveblaster 1. Carbs have new 1.5 N&S in them. Running stock airbox with chokes removed and 1 screen in the flame arrestors. Running 110 or 115 low speed jets and 125 or 130 main...
  13. blastertrx


    I have a 94 wave blaster hull ready to chop with all the parts and quality epoxy resin, you just have to do the work.
  14. blastertrx

    Super Jet Cost effective handle pole options for SN

    I have a 96 roundnose pole bracket for sale if you still need one.
  15. blastertrx

    Waveblaster cables, C.A.T.S cable(s) & Throttle cable 1100 swap

    I have the same boat 1100 yamaha blaster. You can buy a 93-94 throttle cable which is cheaper that the 95-96. The only thing you need to do is to move the throttle plate from the top to the bottom (where the throttle attaches) to the carb. You have to remove 2 bolts
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