Next I cleaned the sanding dust with purple cleaner, any brand. Let dry COMPLETELY ! I actually put it under a heat lamp, not letting it get above 130 degrees.
The first coat is going to disappoint, very rumplely, lots of trapped bubbles. Block sand it WITHOUT seeing any gray dust. Gray dust is carbon! We're COATING, NOT CUTTING. Where its shiny, I hit it with the coarsest Scotch brite , maroon, so the next coat of clear will bond. You can't coat and build up on shiny epoxy! Here's pics of coat #2.

Coat #4, 24 hours under heat lamp then flat sanded. All the low spots have been filled UP as opposed to the HIGH spots being cut down.

5th and final coat. 48 hours under 130 degree heat lamp. 1000, 2000, 3000, all wet, sanded, 5000 tricut cloth wet sanded. Even got the edges. All on a part you'll never see. Will the ski go higher, faster or farther? NOT AT ALL! Sorry if I offended the nonvisual guys who could care less how something looks, there's nothing wrong with a little style.

Jetting the Ninja SE 50's. Came with 110 MJ , 145 PJ, was given a suggestion of 122.5 MJ and 150 PJ, so I'll start there and have everything around that on hand. Oh yeah, 19 psi pop-off.

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Two things with the ninjas I can point out when I played with a set.

The returns are not drilled, I drilled mine, seamed to solve some loading up issues.

Check the epoxy/sealant under the pump. I had the epoxy on mine come lose.


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Glenmoore pa
Looks good! +1 on fixing the epoxy and drilling the returns. Use JB weld tank weld. I drilled the returns just so they’d stop getting clogged.

Mike, are you actually going to run that battery? Are you going charging system?
Two things with the ninjas I can point out when I played with a set.

The returns are not drilled, I drilled mine, seamed to solve some loading up issues.

Check the epoxy/sealant under the pump. I had the epoxy on mine come lose.
Looks good! +1 on fixing the epoxy and drilling the returns. Use JB weld tank weld. I drilled the returns just so they’d stop getting clogged.

Mike, are you actually going to run that battery? Are you going charging system?
More drilling AND more epoxy !!! Just what I want to hear guys, lol ! Only kidding, taken under advisement, just want to ride it for now !

Yeah, running that battery WITH charging system for now Jordan, O2T Zeel and wheel from the 898.
As far as the weight, if I were building this boat as a competition boat, with ZERO effort the weight could've been under 235#'s just by forgoing the epoxy finish on all the surfaces, no bulkhead or bond line reinforcement, no bilge, no cable sleeving, no PFP to Bun adapting plate for the water box. Realistically under 230#"s with a little more effort.....

Should be no problem to build an Equal Horsepower Per Pound Boat !!! Post your pics!
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Many De Nadas CD! Posting is kind of a pia, though luv having the record of what was done as reference for any possible future sale. Kinda sucks with Tony’s recent announcement that Tigercraft builds from kits may be a thing of the past.
Pretty sure that's Tygon. Not sure how it compares price wise but it's very good fuel line. Not the prettiest but very functional and good quality.
Yeah the op mentioned it was tygon . We use Tygon for swimming pool applications . We supply straight acid through it with no issues. Over time anything cracks though. I’m pretty sure tygon specific to gas is not the cheap stuff. Tygon makes the non kink lines for oxygen supply for anyone on home oxygen tanks or supply as well.
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