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  1. RyanITV

    Custom/Hybrid My New Ski Arrived Today...

    LOL - I would if I could, trust me. It's about an 80 minute drive for me - I may call up to my brother in Newark and see if he can swing by and snag some for me. Backup plan is two people from work heading to VIR to race next weekend; they're under orders to grab three 5-gallon drums for me...
  2. RyanITV

    Custom/Hybrid My New Ski Arrived Today...

    After waiting for what seemed like forever, look what showed up today! :shocked: I have to admit, the build quality in person is even better than I'd hoped. The attention to detail on it is insane - everything's aligned perfect, tied off, labeled - I'm almost afraid to take it...
  3. RyanITV

    New Jersey title/registration question...

    Perfect - thanks! Ryan
  4. RyanITV

    New Jersey title/registration question...

    I'm trying to work a deal to buy a second sit-down out of NJ. How do titles or registrations work in NJ? I know in Delaware, we're a registration-only state. The rules to get it registered here say that if it's coming from a title state, I need the title. Any help is appreciated! Ryan
  5. RyanITV

    Pancakes New 97 RN

    congrats - hope to run into you at some point so you can show me how it's done on the trinity...
  6. RyanITV

    I need a Superjet !!!!!!

    Steve, You might check out my thread in the Wanted forum. There's a few decent ones out here right now for reasonable prices. mcdog and woody both had skis worth considering; I'm just letting lust get the better of me. Ryan
  7. RyanITV

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    Out of curiosity, what's the lead time on a Matrix XF hull? Thanks, Ryan
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