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  1. WAB

    no repose to "contact us"

    Got it, thanks Paul!
  2. WAB

    Tybee Island, GA

    Its a sand 'boat' ramp, we use beach carts on it. Alley 3,-80.8537449,3a,75y,223.8h,73.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syxe23EPPusIv5uk51A1HBQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664
  3. WAB

    Bug off ...go back to work!

    Fricking idiots, hopefully they do not reproduce. Anyone who donates needs to be slapped. Lol @ their quote at the end: “You only have one life. Why spend it doing what you don’t love. Money isn’t everything!" It should say money isn't everything, especially when you're spending other...
  4. WAB

    Exhaust tube delaminated

    Its WDK, at least its not a rusty carbon steel tube.
  5. WAB

    X Decals!

  6. WAB

    Supplier List and Review

    Thayercraft website is shut down. They sell on ebay now.
  7. WAB

    Rockered nose lake skis

    Some of those tiny backflip skis suck in the surf unless you have surf specific mods - a huge rideplate, a front hold cut into the firewall, pole spring & longer pole. Pretty sure I'd just have an SXR and a set of bouys if I lived inland. :)
  8. WAB

    Superjet Bolts/Fasteners Charts

    Link is broke :( Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist. Make sure that you have the correct URL and the file exists. Get stuff done with Google Drive Apps in Google Drive make it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Learn more...
  9. WAB

    Rockered nose lake skis

    I love the build threads involving reshaping /remaking a hull. But, why do people who live nowhere near the ocean do the rockered nose? Maybe it helps to ride down a steeper wave without pearling, but why for lake riding? It's alot of extra work for little return it seems.
  10. WAB

    Super Jet Should I put tubbies on my Superjet?

    Hell to tha Yeah!
  11. WAB

    FX-1 hornedogg's FX-1 build

    the 900 going in there?
  12. WAB

    Freestyle XFS hood

    They have not changed it in 20 years. Same since 96
  13. WAB

    How do you afford this sport?

    Credit matters in all aspects of your life. Who wants to marry someone who couldn't even get financing on a $1000 loan? You'll pay more for insurance on your auto, home, boat, etc with crappy credit. You'll get much worse rates on any type of loan. etc etc If you can't have fun without spending...
  14. WAB

    Hugo 12/27/15

    Looking good! Better editing that I could do for sure Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  15. WAB

    Freestyle hulls in the surf...who does it? Which hull?

    Do people still say "shutup and get a Superjet?", cause it applies here. :) Do you want to RIDE it, or BOB around on it? A tubbied hull that's about 3 inches shorter than a std SJ is STILL a nice surf ride.
  16. WAB


    I heard someone sent money to WaterDawg and GOT THEIR PRODUCT. Confirmed? Plausible? Busted?
  17. WAB

    Why do I torture myself?..... raider fixed steer sj

    Copycat! lol I swore I'd never do that again! IDK who has my old SN Raider hood now.... I saw it in Daytona this year though
  18. WAB

    Why do I torture myself?..... raider fixed steer sj

    THIS is a bld thread! Not 'watch me bolt these brand new parts together'. Looking good! Are you going to use the OEM raider steering neck?
  19. WAB

    When flat water guys think about ocean riding...

    lol at 'attacked'. Like being 'attached' by a dairy cow or a sloth. Those things are BIG though! I'd be freaked out if one snuck up on me when swimming
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