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  1. GRiN

    My First Stand-up - The story of a 38year old man who makes poor financial decisions.

    My approximation for the bilge side hole was a bit off so I had to enlarge it a bit.. the curved line above the hole is not a sawzall cut, its the edge of a layer of glass I added to the inside of the the dash. This pic can give you an idea of how much the rear of the ski was shortened.. since...
  2. GRiN

    My First Stand-up - The story of a 38year old man who makes poor financial decisions.

    Here is that rocker radius I mentioned before... gonna have to massage that flange a bit after trimming it down. That's a little better... "Good enough for the girls I go out with" decided to go without fasteners to "shrink" the flange a bit more and Installed with 3M 5200 "forever".
  3. GRiN

    My First Stand-up - The story of a 38year old man who makes poor financial decisions.

    The "cracks" were basically just where the edge of the fiberglass for the lowered tray rails got sanded too thin when the previous builder was trying to make a clean outer radius I suspect....the cracks didn't appear to go all the way through or be caused by stress which was my original concern...
  4. GRiN

    My First Stand-up - The story of a 38year old man who makes poor financial decisions.

    The rear of this hull has been chopped and rockered which is i'm assuming why the original builder ran a front exhaust. I made a paper template of a modified RN exhaust flange and traced it onto the hull...looks like it will fit! It's hard to tell from this angle, but just above the top of the...
  5. GRiN

    My First Stand-up - The story of a 38year old man who makes poor financial decisions.

    Hey everyone! I've been a member here for almost 2 years so I figured it was time to post my builds since I don't know what I'm doing and I have ALL of the questions. Allow me to quickly introduce myself... My name is Colin, I'm a 38y/o Engineering Technician from northern California, and I...
  6. GRiN

    Mag pump, Thrust trim SOLD

    Recommended seller! Fair price, FAST shipping, good communication, parts as described etc...
  7. GRiN

    Custom/Hybrid Lsp dual exhaust

    Thought it was a spam bot for sure until I saw the reaction score and the 2011 join date ... Unless it's a compromised account? April 1st isnt for a few weeks haha
  8. GRiN

    90* Pissers in Blue

    Payment sent!
  9. GRiN

    Super Jet rockered fixed steer superjet build thread

    This thread is giving me a big case of bond-rail-envy lol just when I thought I was done with my glasswork hahah damn you!
  10. GRiN

    Custom/Hybrid Lsp dual exhaust

    dual exhaust AND dual scuppers haha wow....Wonder if he's got dual carbon chambers stuffed in there!
  11. GRiN

    Custom/Hybrid Lsp dual exhaust

    Are you sure it wasn't a scupper drain on the other side? post the link to the vid!
  12. GRiN

    oem bilge

    while we are on this topic (and before I start my own thread) does anyone have an opinion either way regarding OEM bilge siphon deletes? I have a squarenose surf build with dual 500gpm Rule pumps and the oem siphon was removed and the passage is being used for dual cooling... I'm debating if I...
  13. GRiN

    SOLD New ATP Billet Intake Manifold 62t Single 44/46mm

    I'll take it, PM sent.
  14. GRiN

    2016 Air Blair listed

    Thats awesome lol that appears to have an a hood straight off of a 1995 yamaha VXR Pro, right? I literally got one for free from someone on offerup LAST WEEK to play around with grafting a possible fixie conversion onto an old JS hull i'm "ruining" ... great minds, I guess....
  15. GRiN

    BOB Gen3 Carbon Reliable Backflip ski for sale California

    Oh nice! I graduated from Chico State in '05
  16. GRiN

    BOB Gen3 Carbon Reliable Backflip ski for sale California

    Where in CA are you? first pic looks like the Delta
  17. GRiN

    (Sold) Rockered, -4 96 superjet $2500

    lol I feel so official!!
  18. GRiN

    (Sold) Rockered, -4 96 superjet $2500 go post 5 times on that thread... then when you click on someones user name a box will pop up and you can click on "start conversation" to send them a PM.
  19. GRiN

    Trim 101 - OG Blowsion Vs. the new-new

    Was your blowsion setup with the cable on the same side as steering? If so, are you just capping it with a rubber boot and running a new tube for the xscream?
  20. GRiN

    Trim 101 - OG Blowsion Vs. the new-new

    The Blowsion setup? What's your opinion of it?
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