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  1. amitchell

    Tigercraft Aquabot V2 build

    It is great that Tiger Craft is being accommodating/flexible with the requests. I don't see this as a negative, I was just curious about the foam.
  2. amitchell

    Carbon fiber parts turning milky white in water

    I would consider clearing with a 2k(Eastwood or Spraymax) after cleaning off.
  3. amitchell

    Carbon fiber parts turning milky white in water

    Amine Blush should scrub off with a maroon scotch brite and soapy water. test on an area that is discreet.
  4. amitchell

    HELP !!! DASA 900

    That sucks bigtime, just saw the pics in the foresale thread of the carnage. Just goes to show everyone to inspect all used purchases before running. especially when lots of money is on the line. Good luck.
  5. amitchell

    Tigercraft Aquabot V2 build

    Nice video, is it common for the aquabots to not have foam?
  6. amitchell

    Freestyle Affordable Power......... It's COMING

    All I see is whats looks like a photo taken with a potato.
  7. amitchell

    Blaster best way to set squish

    If you need more squish @JetManiac sells ADA domes with extra squish relief and base gaskets with extra thickness. He helped me out quickly.
  8. amitchell

    Carb Tuning Thread

    this is good too The Watcon guide was about the most concise I have found.
  9. amitchell

    Flow control valve

    How many shims did you install? most people use no shims.
  10. amitchell

    any tips on removing rtv?

    Try a brass brush or gasket remover/silicone dissolver.
  11. amitchell

    Any machinists?... I need advice.

    looks good. How did you keep the bores concentric and parallel on either end of the arm? tough setup.
  12. amitchell

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    The quarts were for the solvents. I used about 1.75 quarts of Perfection to do the top and bottom on a 550 including hood, pole and tray.
  13. amitchell

    2012 Wamiltons SJ build up

    I think simple is good sometimes. The black white scheme is cool. I would just keep it well waxed to keep the black crud off. Where is the exhaust ring from? it looks good.
  14. amitchell

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    You need 202 solvent wash and 2333n reducer. They ship for free over $50 in the US. You just need pints(for the solvents) they go a...
  15. amitchell

    2012 Wamiltons SJ build up

    Nice and clean, you going to sticker it or leave it like this?
  16. amitchell

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Make sure to use a good respirator and cover up your skin/eyes. The ISO's will get you.
  17. amitchell

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Its just a nice brush that tips well. I think I just needed to add some brushing thinner on my last coat, it didn't settle out and flow well enough. I didn't bother color sanding it out, was just a 550. The paint did seam to be very durable for what it is. If I was to do it again I would...
  18. amitchell


    The Type 4 pulls hard top to bottom, but like previously said they are a bit more of a pain for maintenance. You can't pull your head off without taking the pipe out which is a pain in the ass. They are less forgiving in terms of tuning, you need to be spot on or else things tend to melt. They...
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